Coach's Corner #13


disclaimer: the opinions expressed by the 1 interviewed are by the 1 interviewed. the coach may have completely different views dont cancel me


J: What's good guys i'm JJslim or Justin. I started playing comp tf2 in ugc season 12 where i mained pyro until silver. In silver i played scout until season 20 where I won gold. After season 20 I played soldier until now which is rgl season 8

C: How are you today?

J: good, I just finished work. I played an unwinnable hlpug and got banned. Now i'm eating banh mi and talking to the bossman himself

C: Say word. How you get banned?

J: well... its was unwinnable and due to the gargantuan sniper diff nyxi rage quit so i followed and quit too

C: Ok ok... Who were the weak links that pug u think?

J: damn... i hate to say it to my main man...but galaxy was not clean on heavy.


pictured: galaxy spy chart (galaxy spy states this chart is false, and to move his face to top right)

C: Ah yes. Galaxy Spy. He seems to always be a reoccuring topic on the Coach's Corner, whether I can help it or not. What were Galaxy Spy's problems that pug that lead to your team's failure?

J: yes mans very famous. you knoww there were many factors to our team's failure i just sorta said the first thing that came to mind. so for galaxy in specific... mans was asking for too much heals you know?  we top healed him and he did nothin.

C: Do you have any advice for Galaxy Spy ? To improve his gameplay in the future

J: this is gonna be a hot take but i honestly think galaxy is pretty damn good, def better than all the advanced players that shit talk him. mans just needs stop talkin the way he does.

C: Interesting. Moving on, so what do you main? You seem to be in the camp where you just like playing multiple classes.

J: yea, i think im pretty nice at all the classes, especially heavy.  I would def say my main is soldier, i've been playing it the longest now and i've had the most success on the class

C: What do you think are your strong points as a player?

J: I think my dm/mechanics are good especially for highlander. But what makes me so impactful in game is my timing and decision making easily

C: Okay okay. What are your weak points as a player?

J: i think i can have better comms, although on flank comms are not required that much, i should be comming more with my engi and spy especially. getting info on soldier makes the game so much easier

C: Okay okay. So how do you practice? What's your routine?

J: I dont grind mge, demo review or hit the kovvaaks. i've learned everything from koth_harvest, tf2center and pugs. prolly 20 mins of koth_harvest before scrims/matches and then ill play pugs or lobbies from time to time during the week

C: Yeah eh. So what you're saying is that instead of doing all that extra shit, the key to success is to just... play the game?

J: nah i think all those things can greatly improve your gameplay, i just personally dont enjoy them. if i ever want to try 6s ill probably have to run those

C: Okay okay. So what cheeses you when you watch other mans play?

J: i get BARE CHEESED when i see mans trollin..... I don't really mind if you are ass and drop like 2 kills, as long as you were trying. This happens alot in pugs. I get extra cheesed if its a player who usually does not get picked and starts trollin. But if everyone is trollin/not taking it serious im cool with it. We have not had sweat pugs in a while so its been chill.

C: Yeah eh. Can you give me some examples?

J: i'm sorry coach, i ain't snitchin this time. galaxy and nyxi were exceptions.

C: Okay okay. U playing for a team right now?

J: yea..... playing on Hood Naruto...

C: All right, tell me about your team.

J: bet, the current roster is 

scout: logan

soldier: me

pyro: ex.hunter

demo: bowl

heavy: carcin

engineer: perenne

medic: blake

sniper: lenny

spy: dimento 

J: it's essentially the 2nd iteration of krusty krab esports. Most notably we have added some of your prospects coach....

C: Hmmm okay okay. So u guys catching a Dub or what ?

J: ive gotten 2nd in plat/invite twice and 3rd in plat/invite twice. I also dropped 120 frags in grandfinals on krusty and LOST. if I don't win this season i'm done with this game. to answer your question, if we don't make any roster changes (e.g logan leaving) this will be too free fam.

C: Yeah eh. Sayin you're that much better than the competition. What are the strong points of your team?

J: in terms of soldier, this season it's not even close. Our team as a whole are all great individual players (see bowl of mayo spreadsheet) plus we got the best callers in bowl and dimento. All we need to do is not tilt and it's ggs.

C: Yeah eh. I know a man like Bowl of Mayo carries much experience, playing high level demoman in both HL & 6s not to mention his time as an assistant coach on FRED V: The Brampton Warriors.


pictured: CEO bowl of mayo living lavish

J: ah yes... The Brampton Warriors. It's a shame I could never play on that team as I was always in school. I always wanted to catch a dub with pablo. that man is a day 1, we grew up and came up in this game together.

C: Facts that's broski right there. We tumped a woods together that's love. What do you think are the weak points of your team?

J: like i said, the only way we lose is if we tilt and get thrown off our game. certain players get tilted from time to time. infact, he who will not be mentioned, said "flank diff" despite us winning the scrim.

C: I know those ones. Like I mentioned in previous interviews I'm a firm believer that matches are 90% mental 10% physical. In matches you have something to lose; and that messes with people's heads alot more than people think. Who are the fearsome players you will be on the lookout for this upcoming season?

J: well, I already know im going to be exposed by watterson and fallen on snipes. triiiple too a lil bit. that's it

C: Say word. On the other hand, who do you think is gonna be mediocre/overrated for their team?

J: for now i'll say shotaway... mans not lookin to hot, but i know my mans gonna be good later on in the season so no worries. in terms of the whole season i don't think anyone in particular, of course the lower invite teams / advanced moveups are gonna be relatively mediocre but i got nothing but respect for them sticking the season out and playing

C: You're gonna be disappointed that's all I have to say. How do u feel about the current state of hl?

J: i think this invite season is aight. like its pretty competitive amongst the teams that are not us. There def has been some worse seasons in terms of both skill and competition. regarding hl as a whole and not invite i'm not really sure on the numbers compared to ugc. I'm excited to see how the new challenger division works out

C: Say word what's Challenger ?

J: new division that's in between advanced and invite. I actually wanna go play and win in challenger so my freak friends who play league think i'm good at a video game.

C: Damn. So that's Gold... Wait, I think I talked about this with Micahlele in the previous interview. My bad !

J: yea, technically i already took a dub in challenger

C: Me too. Quite simple really. So.. JJSlim. In a Coach's Corner EXCLUSIVE: I'd like for you to break out your notepad, and reveal your list of NOOBS. I know you have alot of Noobs written down from all these years.

J: WOW coach i'm flattered I know bare noobs so this might take a while... this will not be ordered.

J: RightJustify (bradman) ,dimento, randyw (see me in ammomod), flu walrus, spu, wish, ex.hunter, saturation, nyxi, shotaway, syath, hostile hamster, rosario, crab f, vrwdc (deer), alto, zagron, evil, townze and nip nop. that's all i can think of on the top of my head sorry coach

C: Damn. This is indeed a good list of Noobs. Many of them also being on my own list as well. So seeing as you were around for a while, what is your favourite team?

J: this one is easy coach, season 20 Slammin Jammers. the roster was: 

scout: me


pyro: artz


heavy: grandislayer

engineer: hyphen <3

medic: turkeylips

sniper: andrew

spy: Scruff McGruff

J: This season easily had my favourite moments in tf2. First of all, source is the best demo to touch highlander, not to mention he is a trap god irl. I'm still close friends with hyphen and andrew as well.  There are too many moments to mention so ill mention my fav. After we reset the bracket in grandfinals, during the 2nd bo3 on upward mirrorman had to go to bed cuz it was getting too late. None other than acclaim subbed in scout, but it was not that simple. Me and acclaim spy crabbed for the missing soldier spot and I won. Since then my soldier has been going crazy. Big shoutout to eerie for picking me up on mM the next season, he took a huge chance on me and the mans put me on the map, respects peter. 

P.S my fav team i did not play on was $$

C: Yeah eh. That's crazy. So when you were on the come up who impressed you when you were Noob?

J: i pretty much looked up to the top plat teams you know mans like DK, KND, mM, $$. Standout mans who I just thought were cracked was odb, barycenter, bo4r, pellovley, trelan, invader and all the invite scouts that played.

pictured: UGC forums circa 2014 - 2017

C: Yeah man. That era of HL was crazy. There were alot of people who were super nice. What are your favourite memories from TF2?

J: Well, first of i'd like to thank none other than goonman for getting me into comp tf2 or none of this would have happened. goonman tried to scam me back in the day when i was trapping on trade servers. for some reason i kept him added and he asked me to ring, i rang, and that was all she wrote. 

getting my first placement on silver scout on mcm season 15, then winning gold on the jammers season 20 on scout, then getting 2nd in plat the very next season on soldier. placing in 3rd plat with team chicobo. playing on team canada in the region wars although was exhausting was fun as hell. being featured on maxbox's spot the hacker 2. dropping 1000+dpm in a lobby on heavy with acclaim vaccinating me and coining the term "lobster lawn mower" then proceeding to perfect the lobby spawn camp with andrew and setting the record for most lobby kills. 

Above all is just all the friends I made along the way and the countless times ive interacted with them whether it be in game or chillin in the mumble. I will never forget meeting you, peter and andrew irl.

C: Ya man. I used to not really regard online friends as much as I did my irl friends, but as I grew older I realized that there isn't a difference between the bonds you make online vs irl. As senty as this sounds, I really value the friendships I made over competitive TF2 and I appreciate the lessons I received over the years, whether they be to me or second hand through other people.

J: facts, even the very dark parts of the tf2 community and even partaking in the shit they did made me grow to be a better person today

C: Exactly man. I genuinely think that everyone has their own path; their own struggle. I'm talking bigger than the video game here. You don't really know a person really until you speak with them firsthand, and even then you may only see one shade of them, because you don't really know what has happened to a person that got them into that position in the first place. Like for some people, playing a video game may seem to be their only escape from their dark reality. And I don't want to be somebody who takes away from the person who say, has a shitty home life, or is bullied at school, or just feels hopeless. It's just cruel and unnecessary. These conflicts are so unnecessary. I just think everyone can be friends if all mans just grow some empathy. And this isn't just about TF2.

J: real shit, the community is small and we have all played this game for thousands of hours. I love shit talk in game, it's funny and all in good fun. Some mans however take it to a personal level and that shit is so wack man. There also so many unnecessary beefs resulting in mans not wanting to play with one another in other causing turmoil within the teams. All mans just needa chill, at the end of the day mans need just have fun

C: I agree, but anyway, what do you feel was your most satisfying Dub ?

J: i know i've mentioned  it alot but again, the gold win in season 20 with the jammers. Actually it might be the invite championship im gonna win this season guaranteed.

C: Say word this man's confident.

J: in the words of a wise sage madringme, it's unwinnable for the other teams

C: So.. top 5 teammates of all time ?

J: sheeeshhh top 5 eh??? you coudn't lowe mans 10?

C: Ok bro Ill lowe u 10

J: thanks coach. in no particular order: pablo, andrew, hyphen, vryktion, eerie person, source, carcin, coffemonster, syath, bazingabarry82

C: Ok... So why am I not on there? 

J: ...

C: ...

C: Wait... hold up... Never mind. Lol ! ok ok. so what do you like to do outside of TF2? any hobbies? interests?

J: outside of tf2 im either in school or working. if it were not for covid id be running the gym bare, might even have to pick up ball too. A lot of my irl friends needa be crossed up. Since I cant do any of that as of now i've been running a game called genshin impact. I was skeptical at first but that shit is nice fr

C: man said genshin impact looool. swrong with these markham mans

J: you know how it is.... chinese game for a chinese mans its simple

C: Ok ok. I got some pictures and I wanna know your thoughts on them.

J: bet



J: HAHAHAHAHAHA. team no push is what their name was if i recall. yea these fools lucky they are not playing this season. would retire all mans on that roster

C: thats wat im saying bro. that picture vipa took from time ago still kills me. U know which 1 im talking about right. when they run away from point in grand finals


pictured: team fast forward running away from point in OT grand finals 0_0

J: fuck i have not seen that but that sounds jokes

C: Ya man shit had me dead.












J: LOOOOOOL i ain't familiar with roadrunna styll. is he nice? like pressa and houdini nice? but fr mans don't wanna see you win. if you getting the guap dip out the city fam.

C: to be honest i aint bump him at all, so i wouldnt know.

J: i'm confused, why did you send me two pictures of the weeknd? anyways I don't really listen to his music much albeit nice, not my type of vibe. I'm honestly more familiar with his other more talented XO member, NAV. he did put LOONA on his insta story so he the goat for that one.

C: Who's LOONA ?

J: the best girl group of all time.

C: Best girl group ? Ok what do they do?

J: Kpop group, they sing and dance some of the hardest shit i've ever seen and listened to. no other mans even come close. they are funded by arms dealers so you know if mans are talking shit they finna pull up, all 12 of em.

C: 0_0

J: holy shit is...i -i-i is that chief keef????????

C: Yeah. This was when MLK visited O Block. Crazy.

J: chief keef man, what can i say nothin but classics from that man. faneto, love sosa and I don't like

J: KINGZ CHUBBZ. hypedad a real one man, him and source both know how to move. a fellow canadian as well. shoutout chubbz he got the some of the best shit talk in the game

C: Facts. CHUBBZ is a gamechanging player.








 J: BHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA. IM DEAD FAM. that's my main man source getting ready for a christmas party with the opps.

C: All right, lets move onto our reader submitted questions. from perenne: jjslim i am under the impression you listen to a lot of kpop do you have any recommendations

J: yoooo say less panera bread. i only listen to girl groups so i can't rec any men. the two best girl groups hands down are LOONA and Red Velvet. Their discographies are solid af. For LOONA must listen album are [XX] and Max and Match also listen to love4eva that shit has Elon Musk's wife on the beat. For red velvet listen to "The perfect red velvet" . Other groups are aight and really the only decent shit they have are their title tracks. twice and itzy have some good title tracks. for solo girls IU, Chung ha and sunmi pretty good. You gotta watch the music videos too, shit is like crack. If you have any further questions feel free to hit me up. also ask andrew if he is mad for me.

C: say word this mans got the bubble tea tunes

pictured: jjslim & his markham shordies

J: on my markham abg shit. you like abgs?

C: most of them live in the east end still so i cant give you a fair answer

J: fair enough.

C: from spades slick: mr slim, what’s your top 5?

J: top 5 eh?

1. Chuu from LOONA 

2. Go Won from LOONA 

3. Kim Lip from LOONA. 

4. JinSoul from LOONA 

5. 21 Savage

C: dkm brodie


C: from saturation: what is something you learned from teaching me… (the best teachers learn from their students)

J: first and foremost, I learned you can play this game bare and still be dogshit. but seriously I never reviewed demos or actively thought of my choices in game, i sorta just went through the motions. Mentoring you and reviewing your demos/pointing out your mistakes has made me aware of my own. I make a lot of mental notes when I make a mistake. Now when I play, i think to myself "I can't let yehuda be like this". Also that cool upward spam angle. see you in invite yung sat

C: from spu: body count?

J: spu, i've bombed my own china to kill you too many times for you to really be wondering what that number is.

C: from alto: how did your experiences on the meme stealers shape you as a player and a person?

J: Lets get the negatives out of the way, meme stealers/meme stealers era introduced me to the practice and use of funny words. Also I am going to have permanent ear damage from hearing hostile's comms for a whole season. On the positive note I met alot of friends, that roster was crazy. rob420/me/linkzz/bazingabarry82/alto/ice/hostile hamster/jayhyunpae/shotaway. That was my first season of gold and exposed me to alot of good players, so it kinda got my foot in the door for higher level play. I can never forget shadow ninja sasuke's project with his multiple videos including LORE about our team, it was amazing. Taking every picture of the enemy team was hilarious if we were to beat them. Also the killer exclusive was running during that time so it was a blast to read those every week. And i cant go without mentioning me going 7/31 on badwater. Overall, I became a better player and learned how to ignore the haters. Also I have reformed since then in terms of behaviour.

C: from blake: jjslim why is it always a flank diff?


C: from logan: what is your favorite drake song and why do you think passionfruit is ass? 

J: I am not a big fan of singing drake... and passionfruit is very uninteresting.  Sneakin gotta be my fav song  but since that is kinda cheating cuz 21 savage carried the song, i'll have to say 10 bands.

C: Is that a clear favourite or U got many? A man like Drizzy has too many tracks

J: no clear favourite honestly i can go on and on, some more that come to mind: digital dash, live from the gutter, jumpman and 100 (fav drake feature). know yourself a classic as well

C: Facts. He has too many tracks so that isn't a fair question. All right... So like... u trying to ball up rn or what? I got the grabba still

J: say less fam im pullin up to the west end rn

C: okkkkk

J: you still got that dimento loudpack?

C: Of course. But yo. Before we conclude our interview sesh and begin our ball up sesh, do you have anything you would like to say?

J: Imma give out bare shotouts right about now. Shoutout: Y3*YO*Y3 my fistful of frags team, we are gonna go for our third world championship this year, The Brampton Warriors, Brampton, MCM, Meme Stealers, my team HOOD Naruto, HLpugs, the sauga boys, the sue boy, my one and only hyphen <3. Catch me streaming on fades on sight on that stream, maybe face cam too.

All right this is Coach's Corner #13. Thank you to peter who made the joke with the last picture. As always thank you to my interns odb, Rolling & bff-forever. And thank you to the reader for keeping up with Coach's Corner.


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