Coach's Corner: The Lost Interview of Habib



disclaimer: the opinions expressed by the 1 interviewed are by the 1 interviewed. the coach may have completely different views dont cancel me.



FROYO habib: Hi I'm habib, Professional Competitive TF2 Player for Team Froyotech.

C: How are you today?

F h: I'm doing quite well.

C: That's good to hear. How long have you been playing TF2 for?

F h: I've been playing TF2 for quite some time. Around 7-8 years.

C: Holy. And how old are you right now?

F h: Im 22. It honestly doesn't even feel like that much time passed cause my friends put me on when we were in grade 8.

C: Ya eh. We both started TF2 at around the same age & time. I still remember laughing at goofy tf2 memes like "derp scout" and "yeah toast engineer". That's crazy. Was TF2 your main game at that time?

F h: Yeah man all those memes like Nope.avi or whatever, funny times for sure. And no TF2 was not my main game, I had actually never really played FPS games like that before. Just played a lot of RuneScape back then and like Nintendo games on some innocent kid wave. Other than sports ofc

C: Okay okay. What was interesting about TF2 to you over other games during that time period? The Free 2 Play? The Action? The Hats? The 18+ Sprays?

F h: Honestly it was a mixture of all of that to be honest. The entire appeal just hit different and the appeal struck me as a pretty hard as a kid. It being free 2 play deadass I thought this game was a virus LMFAO. It started off as the hats and the casual trading vibe but then that led to the start of a competitive fire

                                                                                               pictured: habib pulling off a successful negotiation


C: Ya eh. Sayin u scammed a few mans back in the day?

F h: Lmaoo lets just say... you win some you lose some. 😈😈😈

F h: that goes for everything

C: Dont kill me. But yo, what made you pick demo as the class to main in TF2?

F h: Honestly I mained spy (who didnt at some point) and soldier but one of my friends who i still talk to these days asked me to play demoman for his highlander team and after that I kinda just took on it to select that class and want to keep improving and playing it

C: Yeah eh. Do you enjoy playing classes other than demo?

F h: Hundos fam if there was any other class I'd play it'd be soldier. but I really enjoy playing scout too, my sniper is also a sleeper

C: Say word. What are your strong points as a player?

F h: I would say Im super aggressive and my mechanical capabilities are my strongest suit, however that isn't without being able to read the in game situation properly

C: Okay. Now what are your weak points as a player?

F h: Im ngl sometimes I tunnel and go for some dumb ego plays, but thats why I was gonna say my strengths can sometimes be my weakness, like a dual edged sword. As uncle ben would say, with great power comes great responsibility. Trying to do too much, just gets you rolled sometimes

C: Those are wise words still. A man like b4nny even says to always take the 2v1. So how do you practice? What's your routine?

F h: Well theres a lot I do both outside the game and inside the game. Which one would you like to know?

C: Lets start with outside of the game.

F h: Ok nice choice, because I learned the hard way that alot of this life stuff is about balance, what you do outside the game will also have a direct impact on how you do in game. So if its like a super hard match night or playoffs especially, I make sure to keep my diet in check and like not go ham cause Im super ADHD sometimes and my focus gets affected easily. I also like workout and do cardio before we start practicing, its proven to help your brain function way faster and better which helps things like your in game decision making, reaction time, etc. Thats generally it for outside the game

C: Damn. So could you elaborate on the diet part? How does eating affect one's gameplay?

F h: Yeah yo, basically I just eat nutrient dense foods like veggies and get my protein in. Eating is huge in affecting ones gameplay especially in the sugar / carb department cause if you spike your blood glucose too quickly or too high you are gonna have bounces of focus and then brain fog. If youre not getting the right veggies or even things like omega 3s its not gonna kill you but like you wont be functioning optimally, and in an industry like this and at the height of competition its not smart to keep yourself at a disadvantage simply by neglecting basic nutrition

C: Facts. As a Coach, I been telling my players to lay off the Mountain Dew. They just can't stay away from it. So how do you practice ingame?

F h: I practice in game with a little bit of mouse movement warmup from bot maps and maybe movement warmups like demoman jumping. After that I just mge with my teammates or DM and Im pretty much good to go. It doesnt take me long to warm up anymore cause Ive been playing for a while

C: So what pet peeves do you have when you see other people play, whether they be demo mains or tf2 players in general?

F h: Biggest pet peeves I have when I see other people play in general from tf2 players is how much they downplay comming and coordinating certain plays with their team. But its not really a big pet peeve as it is probably just inexperience. Other than that maybe its players overvaluing their DM / mechanics over gamesense / positioning, but im prolly guilty of that hahaha

ad: the date is set! in an bout livestreamed EXCLUSIVELY by bowl of mayo studios, watch galaxy spy as he fights against RGL highlander head admin Micahlele in a 5 round cagematch!


C: Soft. It's another thing to recognize your own mistakes. So for the people who don't know, tell us about your team.

F h: Well we got some roster switches that happened after our pocket soldier left. So now on team Froyo we have arekk and slemnish on scout, b4nny has moved to pocket soldier with blaze the roaming legend, skeez on medic and to complete the roster me on demoman. We're doing really well I'd say and its soo sick to be playing with slemnish again after 5 years

C: Say word. You & Slemnish played on the team with aim right?

F h: yeah. we were toxic yutes back in the day

C: Lmaooo me too. TF2 was just different back in the day. So... your team catching a Dub or what?

F h: Yeah thats the plan. Dub season

C: Okay okay. So with this New Froyotech. What do you think the strong points of the team are?

F h: I would say that theres more comms off in the flank now which is helping quite a bit, as b4nny is very vocal on pocket soldier but slemnish being on the more quieter side it works just as well especially cause slemnish still calls well enough along with skeez and I on the combo side

C: Neat. So.. on the other hand, what do you think are the weak points of your team?

F h: Well with any roster change you are bound to gain new insights but also lose some older ones too. Perhaps one weakness that we have is being too hasty sometimes but more often than not it ends up working out in our favor. We just have that froyotech finesse

C: Lmaoo real shit. Who you think are the fearsome players you think people should be on the lookout this season

F h: I would say most fearsome would be laz and yight. those two are accurate killers that make space too when need be

C: Say word. The fedora man. On the other hand, anyone who you feel is mediocre or overrated for the team they’re playing for?

F h: Hmmm time to roast 😈

pictured: FROYO habib ready to lay down the law

C: 😂😂😂

F h: Soapymeister is good but this man cant stop catching airpipes. Half the scouts in invite let their medic die to kill me (worth tbh) and mans need to stop fast rollouting against me

C: Say word. So what are the win conditions to win your division?

F h: well the number one thing for us to succeed is to stay level headed and keep the energy and coordination up. When we start feeling pressure it can be hard to overcome but you get used to it over time

C: Okay okay... So like.. Who is the weak link on your team?

F h: Hmm spicy juice time

C: lmaooo

F h: Nahh im playing honestly how it works on our team. that position of weakest link rotates around some nights. sometimes we're all playing like shit. sometimes its skeez, sometimes arekk is too tired so he doesnt comm and beefs, more times im too fried and beef everything. But the point is that whenever this happens someone else picks up the slack and we compensate and adapt as a team

C: Facts. A team's ability to adapt is essiential to the success of the team. But yo, so what are your thoughts on the current state of Invite, and TF2 as a whole?

F h: Invite is really strong this season. I think the battle for 3rd and 4th is gonna be sick granted teams wont emo out and die. But as for Tf2 as a whole, contrary to popular opinion and belief Tf2 is poppin rn competitively and casually, whether valve is supporting it or not. And thats really interesting a 14 year old game can sustain itself like this. Not sure if this is cause of lockdown or not but there are mad players playing rn from all regions, I keep tabs on every region not just NA.

C: Damn. Which region you think is the best?

F h: In terms of competitive, its super close between the top of NA and EU and I know the Australians have the potential to give us a run for our money too. Due to bias however I think our NA region is the strongest due to us having not just one really solid team but now 3 teams that meet the "staying alive for more than 2 seasons" mark. But we wont really know for sure until international LANs make a return...

C: Say word. So who/what pisses you off when you run tf2?

F h: When i run tf2 i would say that valve pisses me off the most. but perhaps thats a different conversation for a different day. Just the glitches, the random crits, the backstabs, the reflects, all apart of the tf2 package.

C: Okay okay. How long you been playing with Froyotech?

F h: bruh its almost been 5 years. mad time

C: Thats mod. Wait you played with b4nny while in high school?

F h: honestly hasnt even felt like that long. The year i graduated high school and first year uni was when i joined froyo

C: Ya 2016 right?

F h: Yeah. Simpler times.

pictured: toronto summer '16 soundtrack


C: Crazy. That summer went off I won't even lie. All mans were bumping One dance and controlla, doing bare fuckery. So what has been your most satisfying victory?

F h: My most satisfying victories would have to be either Rewind 2 of Feb 2018 or i63 of Aug 2018; both were LAN tourneys. Something about LAN tourneys and just catching Ws with your squad is the vibe

C: Crazy. So what do you enjoy in TF2 after playing it for so long?

F h: I get asked this question bare times and its a good question. Honestly i enjoy playing with my team a lot and competing still, as long as i keep up the balance as I stated before I can keep playing. Streaming the game and streaming in general is a huge passion of mine and I wanna be able to do it full time

C: Say word. So Dub after Dub, has your passion and attitude towards the game changed at all?

F h: As doctor dre stated, anyone can get a spot like mine. but the hard part is keepin it, motherfucker


F h: but yeah dub after dub you start to become more cocky and egocentric, so its up to you to be aware of that even as one of the "best" players. you really gotta sit down, bitch, be humble.  But you cant kill the ego cause its your competitive drive at the same time, just be aware of it

pictured: Grammy Award winning Rapper Kendrick Lamar

C: lmaooo u kill me bro. so what do you like to do outside of TF2? any hobbies? interests?

F h: I got a couple of hobbies, like making beats and music, fishing and hunting sometimes and like outdoor nature type shit. tf2 is the main hobby technically but im tryna make it like super profitable

C: Say word. Ur a producer eh. Sayin u cant bless me a beat fam? Let me spit a 16 on ur shit 1 time

F h: Yeah fam im bout it. I'll even mix and master that joint, engineer that shit to make it sound fire

C: Ah ah ah okkkkk. But yo, so what motivates you?

F h: Bro honestly on some woke shit I just wanna beat capitalism at its own game and make a living doing what I enjoy doing

C: I rate that still. Mans aren't tryna subscribe to the Drone movement.

F h: I lost some mans close to me as well. And I know they wouldnt want me to quit. Mans gotta hustle no matter what, take your pain and turn it to champagne 

C: Of course, now I got some pictures here and I want to know your thoughts.





F h: Lol thats a banger tweet





















F h: Everyones still on that phase wym 😂

C: lmaoo real shit 4am vibes

F h: no words































F h: double cheeked up on a thursday 


F h:rip

C: The greatest mayor of Toronto. Man influenced an entire generation. 






F h: Lil Uzi needs to be careful

C: a couple questions from yumyum: how do you feel playing with slemnish?

F h: its honestly surreal that I was reunited with this mandem after 5 years exactly. we used to be teammates right as we broke into invite and went straight to playoffs. our chemistry never went away and we're on that straight beast shit clapping everyone. it was simply meant to be

C: And do you ever see yourself leaving FROYO?

F h: if theres honestly any reason I'd leave froyo, it'd either be cause me and b4nny would get into the greatest beef (never happening) or cause I quit the game. b4nny and I are too good of teammates however so it'd be the latter. 

maybe in an alternate universe I would challenge the throne myself...

C: Yeah eh. You think you'd slap up a man like B4nny?

pictured: b4nny after he gets crunched by habib in MGE

F h: at my current power on no ego shit I could definitely contest him. as the mans say it would make invite "interesting" xD

C: Ok ok, from yeehaw: What was the most difficult match you've played during your time on Froyo, either online or at lan?

F h: I'll give both. On LAN it was the grand finals of Rewind 1, that shit was soo difficult it pushed me to my absolute limits and we barely won by 1 round, with the time running out

Online, it'd have to be ESEA S24 Grand Finals, we were having server/connection issues out the gutter having to pause every 10 mins, and because of that, the grand finals was stretched out over 7 grueling hours. EVL at the time beat us in one of the bo3s, causing us to play 6 maps

F h: hectic times

C: Wow that's crazy. from knsume: fuck, marry, kill, go into business with, and lock in ur basement: the rest of froyo

F h: Id have to fuck skeez (no homo), marry blaze, kill arekk (for the eternal mangekyou sharingan), go into business with b4nny, and lock slemnish in my basement so I can extract his brain power and aim

C: Say word. What's the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan?

F h: its some naruto reference LOL Nvm lool long context

C: I know those ones... kinda... from vooshoos: Do you think there's a gap in skill level from all the new invite teams compared to the teams who only play cups? If so how does this affect the Invite scene from your perspective?

F h: not really, its slightly yes but mainly no: reason why is cause if the teams who only play cups come back to only play cups. they dont have as much practice as the newer invite teams would, but even though the cup only teams are really good and consist of top invite players with a lot of experience; they dont have the same synergy as these invite teams. so if these low-mid invite teams stay alive for multiple seasons and keep playing, theyll end up bridging the skill gap and even surpass these cup only teams

pictured: habib when arekk is reported missing

C: Makes sense. from sleepster: do you have any plans to play a different class at some point?

F h: I really want to main pocket soldier and switch my class but because of my skill level and more importantly consistency on demoman im stuck on this class for the foreseeable future. its a gift and a curse when you've acquired this much skill. but ofc I have no problem staying on demo because of certain mindsets I keep in place

C: from justjazz: You've done streams analyzing games from other leagues like ETF2L and ozfortress. What do you make of the skill level of the top teams of those leagues? If you had to make a dream team of current non-NA players who would be on it?

F h: hmm non NA players in their prime dream team: 

Scouts: Starkie Thaigrr 

Soldiers: Kaptain MGE Mike 

Demo: Kaidus or Numlocked 

Medic: Raymon or Knoxxx

F h: idk lol

C: from redditoverlord: if you could build the best 6 man roster to compete vs froyo who would you pick

F h: in their primes: 

Scouts: Clockwork Shrugger 

Soldiers:TLR and Laz 

Demo: Platinum or Duwatna 

Medic: Cozen or Shade

F h: that would be the craziest roster to compete vs us

C: from dbk: what's the most fun you've had playing tf2? skill level/team/format/whatever context

F h: the most fun ive had playing tf2 was probably 2018-2019 only because we had LANs and bare cash prizes from ESEA. RGL is still dope but unfortunately due to COVID we cant have no LANs. I was also a tiny bit faster back then, gotten a lil bit slower.

C: I know those ones. from miskyworks: What do you think of the newer maps added to the rotation like bagel, villa, and clearcut?

F h: with all new maps, 90% of players will hate it always right off the bat on some pregnancy mood swing type shit. but every new map has to be broken in and given correct feedback to improve it.

I fuck with all the maps. KOTH is really interesting and fun to watch and play for tf2. villa is alright too, still in development though which is why it will become a really good map mans have to keep working on it. as the saying goes, rome wasnt built overnight

C: Of course. from blegh: how would you un-fuck the quickiebomb launcher

F h: the quickibomb launcher in its current state is viable on smaller maps imo because less space means u dont have to use as much ammo to control a certain amount of space. However to make it completely viable as an alternate stickybomb launcher, if it had 6 stickies or even 5 in the clip i would use it over the stock. its current 4 stickies in the clip is not enough to properly lock out chokes and deal damage at the same time reloading and running out of ammo is 90% of what kills you as demoman

C: from shotaway: Hey Mr. Habib, my name is Shotaway and I'm a Spy main. About a year ago I rang for a 6s scrim where I felt like I was getting outclassed by the other team. I just didn't know what to do. It started right from the beginning of the game when I said Hi to the team, they didn't even greet me back? Wtf? Do 6s players not have manners? And then when the scrim ended they left quickly and started shittalking me behind my back. Saying Im dogshit and that I dont belong cuz I dont have an anime profile picture. But you know, as you say on your stream Im channeling my "virgin mental" and enough is enough. I'm ignoring the haters and decided to make my comeback to 6s this season, and I was wondering if you give me some words of encouragement and maybe give me advice on how to win a fight like this. PS: While I don't have the funds to subscribe to your stream, could you "bless me a demo review 1 time fam?" Ive been studying 6ixgodlingo

He also attached a picture to this question as well.

F h: Im not sure what the picture means however I recognize this spy main. And I fully agree that he should ignore the haters. mans will be toxic and talk shit all the time but most of the time theyre just kids talking shit behind a computer screen so keep improving and outplay the haters; make them simp for you. I had to do the same shit tbh I just kept improving and mans talked the shit but it eventually got to the point they have no choice but to respect me now

C: i think he's referring to how to win this 1v4

F h: theres not much you can do to win that 1v4 theres too many of them staring right at you. he needs his demo to pressure top right hard and reconverge onto the high ground clean up frags. too many mans on the roof for him to do his thing

C: Yeah eh. Speaking of wisdom: from zanda: there isn't very much high level educational competitive content out there right now. are you planning to continue your book of habib series or some other educational type content in the future? if so, what would it look like?

F h: yeah im def gonna continue that series but its gonna take time to edit it out especially cause its just me doing all that. its on the higher-effort category of youtube videos to make

C: Say word. You know Coach's Corner is run by Bowl of Mayo Studios. Maybe we could get a little collab going.

F h: oh say word. yeah bowl was the one who told me about you

C: Yeah fam. He's the CEO of Bowl of Mayo Studios, running spreadsheet streams, handling logistics etc. I think our management will get into contact with your team. Anyway, from young sanity himself: Can you balance ego and skill?

F h: Ego and Skill arent on two opposite spectrums unless you let them be inverse of each other. You need your ego because its your competitive drive and what fuels you to keep grinding and to keep acquiring skill but once you acquire high skill thats when your ego can get in the way and impede the next level of your glow up so the key is, dont kill your ego but be aware of it, and keep it in control otherwise you will end up tunnel visioning, going for stupid ass plays, cockiness, etc. this is all speaking from first hand experience from my own trials and phases. raw gems im dropping straight from the mud

C: Thank you for your wisdom. from kevin is pwn: who in competitive tf2 do you dislike the most? what player just makes you mad/annoyed/wanna dc? I asked this before somewhat but you never really went into detail.

pictured: bowl of mayo studios: an up & coming tf2 content creation... studio.

F h: hmm I dont really dislike anyone, especially cause online TF2 makes it seem like theres deadass beef and shit between players, but come LAN all of top invite teams are vibing, drinking together and having litty times. its healthy competition but ofc there are lines that cant be crossed.

players that annoy me would be really good soldiers that are good at jumping like laz, soapy and trip. theyre fast and good and that makes them annoying but such is the competition and level i strive to play in. it gets boring if you dont have direct competition and contest

C: Facts. from domocatface: If you could put your TF2 hours into something else, what would it be?

F h: CSGO 100%. when I was 15 I made it to Eagle on an intel pentium 4 with no graphics card. I was soo raw. if I had my TF2 hours in CSGO id be rich af

C: Say word. Me personally I don’t think I’d direct all my hours from tf2 into something else because I think I’d be an entirely different person if I did. But I’m not gonna lie I would shave off like 2k - 3k hours and put that into boxing

F h: Ohh I guess if it was real life then hundos boxing or some sport. I super fuck with boxing and basketball. im the kind of guy though where I put my absolute 100% into something I wanna do

C: Yeah eh you go to a gym or you like watching the sport?

F h: I like watching here and there, I do have a pound 4 pound gym next to me and would like to get trained sometime but everything is shut down lol

C: Okay okay. From mattystopper: come up from playing your first season and what teams you played for? Then how did you first start playing for froyo?

F h: well I never finished open. I only played 12 matches across two seasons and got cut each time. So I said fuck it the 3rd season and played in IM and made playoffs that same season. the season after that, ESEA S20 IM I played with notable teammates, zilly, botmode, highfive, sen, ictus, and some others, we got 4th going into playoffs and won the division. S21 was my first season of invite with the luca goers, that was mad fun. S22 was froyo black, duwatna stepped down and shade took me under his wing. S23 was when I joined Froyotech for the first time however, froyo black had died and I was basically conscripted, there was no offer, it was either youre in or youre out. the rest is history.

FBI style shade had messaged me some sketchy shit at 4am. Behind the scenes illuminati talks of a new froyotech super team

C: Damn. Crazy. from wingman: What player did you look up to when you were new?

F h: definitely b4nny and platinum. those two were just completely different, the two best demos who also were the best at their own respective playstyles which I learned from and then adapted a very dynamic playstyle due to studying both of them

C: from ire: if you could choose a team (from now or in history) to be a part of, which would it be?

F h: Definitely the OG S16 Froyotech as demoman or Classic Mixup. Maybe epsilon if we're talking european

C: from bearodactyl: favorite LAN's you've attended?

F h: I would say Rewind 1 & Rewind 2 were my all time favourites, followed by i63 and then Sweden LAN. Rewind 1 & 2 was just the greatest vibes, i63 was super competitive, and Sweden was soo fucking turnt. Smashed the entire weekend

C: Lmaooo. from casual: How has ADHD helped your gaming career?

F h: ADHD is a dual edged sword, the greatest gift and a curse that I DIDNT ask for the curse is that you can easily lose focus and zone the fuck out or have chief keef stuck in your head while playing tf2. but the gift is that while you cant focus on one certain thing for too long, when you do focus on that task especially if its something like gaming, you go into a super hyperfocus mode and you are also able to keep track of several things at once better. With ADHD it allows me to stay super diligent and on my toes, staying aware and keeping track of multiple things at once which makes sense why humans have that shit in the first place. I think its a defense-offense mechanism from hunter-gatherer times

pictured: chief keef given recognition for his contributions to humanity

C: from saturation: how much impact does adderal have on your gameplay

F h: I used to take vyvanse (less potent, less addictive adderall, same company) but I dont take it anymore because they dont work on me if I keep using them overtime. It makes my gamesense and positioning worse but it makes my DM approx 15-20% better reason why it makes the gamesense and positioning worse is because it causes tunnel vision and slight anxiety especially at higher doses. no reason to be cracked at all

C: Okay okay. from the mackey 5: Were there ever any real issues or trouble with your family because you scream very loud when playing the video game?

F h: yeah hundos fam my rents get cheesed if im too loud. but I was only ever loud cause I used to be too cracked. im way more chill now

C: from smithsonian: who does the best shawarma in toronto?

F h: honestly I dont know because theres too many shawarma places in toronto like a fuckton

C: Facts. You ever try Chris Jerk on Birchmount? They make Jerk chicken Shawarma. It's harddd

F h: Yo Chris Jerk is fire. I tried carribean style goat curry

C: Is that your favourite dish there? I only ate the Jerk and the Shawarma. Might have to try that 1 still

F h: only dish I tried

C: Okay okay. I'll put that on my list. from aboOod: how much meth?

F h: None Ion fuck with that

C: You wanna start? We can share a bag

F h: yo tbh im down, on that heisenberg tip

C: Say less. Reach the homeless camp under the gardiner expressway later, Ill text u when Im there.

F h: dunno yo

C: from doiku: Who is agoo?

F h: LOL, I got so fucking high one day I started making baby noises. Agoo-Goo 

C: from poptobob: can you unban me from ur twitch chat :)

F h: oh I actually freed that wasteyute a week ago. I felt merciful i think hes learnt his lesson 

C: dkmm from supra: do u love ur mom?

F h: yeah I love my momma, thats blood

C: Before we conclude this interview, is there anything else you'd like to say?

F h: I think thats prolly about it yo. Glad to give this interview



Thank you to Habib for the interview. Thank you to my interns Rolling, bff-forever, odb & perenne and as always thank you to the reader for reading the lost interview of Habib.



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