Coach's Corner #18
COACH'S CORNER #18: DAVIDREDFACE disclaimer: the opinions expressed by the 1 interviewed are by the 1 interviewed. the coach may have completely different views dont cancel me. Davidredface: Hi I'm Davidredface and played seasson 5 last place in open then s6 last place adv and s7 last place in adv again and uh s8 we have a really good chance of winnin adv this seasson COACH: Neat. How are you doing today? D: uh prty good woke up and did a ultiduo/bball C: So what class you play? D: engie man C: Why'd you pick engineer as the class to play? D: so i played a tf2 center onetime as engie for fun and someone called crusader added me sayin if i played engie? and after i said yes and rang for the team pig after they asked me to ring a few more times then they asked me to main and then i replaced there old engie whos house got flooded sorta? C: Wait. His house got flooded?... Is he okay? D: yea like the flood got rid of his power for a day. nothin of his got damaged im pr...