Coach's Corner #18



disclaimer: the opinions expressed by the 1 interviewed are by the 1 interviewed. the coach may have completely different views dont cancel me. 


Davidredface: Hi I'm Davidredface and played seasson 5 last place in open then s6 last place adv and s7 last place in adv again and uh s8 we have a really good chance of winnin adv this seasson

COACH: Neat. How are you doing today?

D: uh prty good woke up and did a ultiduo/bball

C: So what class you play?

D: engie man

C: Why'd you pick engineer as the class to play?

D: so i played a tf2 center onetime as engie for fun and someone called crusader added me sayin if i played engie? and after i said yes and rang for the team pig after they asked me to ring a few more times then they asked me to main and then i replaced there old engie whos house got flooded sorta?

C: Wait. His house got flooded?... Is he okay?

D: yea like the flood got rid of his power for a day. nothin of his got damaged im prty sure

C: Wow, so your team did that guy dirty. House got flooded, then he came back a day later to find out he got cut.

D: uh it was more in a span of 2 weeks. if i remembered i think they cut him cause he was toxic and they liked me?

C: Oh okay. Moving on, do you go on

D: uh im in it but i dont really talk in there at all. mostly in it for my mentors

C: Okay, who are your mentors?

D: startard then tubagod and grynnn and shia and lasky and finally mothership

C: Interesting. Who's the best out of them all?

D: uhhhhhh

C: Ok moving on. How do you practice? What's your routine?

D: i usually play ultiduo/bball then grind csgo till scrims


pictured: esteemed team fortress 2 player air asking what is on everyone's mind


C: What rank are you in CSGO ?

D: uh silver elite tho i usally play esea csgo which im b- in

C: Say word. So tell me about your HL team.

D: uh well we were gonna be challenger tho we got placed in quals and durin the quals we were missin about 3 mains so we ate shit now we are probably gonna win adv tho in scrims weve beatten most of the challenger teams except for sar and most of the time dz

C: Ok. What are the strong points of your team?

D: probaly pick classes and combo like mountain which is our sniper is probaly one of the best snipers in challenger and jerrrrrrrrrrrrrr our med is a mega brain guy

C: Neat. What are the weak points of your team?

D: probably me

C: I mean if you had an AK it would be different right

D: na wrangler is basicly the same but better. i just like playin rly agro cause its more fun

C: who do u think is good in ur division?

D: only rly phishes team. they are the only other team that can take rounds and sometimes even take games from us

C: Okay okay. Who's bad in your division ?

D: the teams in this team imo are super unbalanced all of the other teams in this div besides phish arent really any competition which i kinda hate

C: Okay. How has leading a team been?

D: uh mostly mixed i really liked the people on my team a lot tho most mistakes which are out of my control people kinda naturally blame it onto me

C: Okay cool. You have fun this season?

D: hell yea really like the people and atmosphere of my team plus first season where my team aint gettin rolled

C: Okay neat. So why do teams apparently not want to scrim you?

D: na its mostly a joke from jas's team cause i was on a road trip and when i came back home 20 mins before scrims i had to reinstall tf2 which took me 50 mins tho i dont really know much teams that dont want to scrim us  even jas's team the one who made it are fine with scrimin us so hasent really effected much




C: Any HL drama that you can tell the readers?

D: uh yea. jeff dimento

C: And what did Dimento do?

D: na its someone else usin that name

C: Okay, and what did this Dimento do ?

D: uh basicly did a joke onto sakura, tho people seem to be flippin out about it

C: And who is Sakura ?

D: the med and team leadder of yeye a hl challenger team

C: Oh okay. So what's the joke?

D: uh mostly someone called rene askin her to mentor him then posted a pic of caught you in 4k

C: Okay, and why are people freaking out over it?

D: uh mostly people sayin how its harassment towards her because she a girl?

C: Are you sure there isn't more to this situation? I don't know this girl but any regular human being would just say "ok", remove you then move on.

D: thats mostly it

C: Okay. Moving on, I got a couple pictures and I want to know your thoughts.








D: uh thats the team my demo wxy beat durin like seasson 2 i think on swift

D: white

C: Lets move onto our reader submitted questions. From firepow: What has team leading this season taught you?

D: uh make sure the people you pick up or tryout dont clip you

C: What do you mean by "clip you" ?

D: like shadow replay

C: Are you talking about like... Pokemon ? On some shadow lugia shit?

D: wa

C: Okay you know what never mind. from nukanga: fav color?

D: uh blue or turcouaise

C: from cayorne: is it true that hackers always win as documented in your groundbreaking cinematic masterpiece “hackers always win” ?

D: asjmnbd ajkshaskjh

C: from rn: why did you pick your name and whats your fav fruit?

D: so i forgot my minecraft login account from like 8 years ago and i thought might as well make a new acc but the same username didnt work so i asked my grand ma to help me make a username and they came up with davidredface so i kept it and my favorite fruit is probably dragon fruit or cherries

C: That's cute. so I assume you and your friends banded together to vote you in. do you have something to say? The floor is yours.

D: uh yea mostly a guy called isllama who really wanted me on here for some reasson uh and for random stuff to say hi bliztank hi senate pugs hi maeko hi pmn hi grynn hi lasky hi tubagod hi shia hi isllama hi jackman hi spunkie hi fuzze hi fuzzo hi crusaader hi puppy hi townzee hi rene hi lucki hi cinder hi agb hi poseidon hi june hi phish hi markers hi chill hi nukeanga hi lou hi ryuk hi nightfaul hi mountain hi soala hi wxy hi ckrow hi craftkitty hi jerrrrr hi res hi rikuus hi sushi hi nixtag :D hi png hi airballer hi yk and uh thanks?

C: Cool.

Thank you to david red face for the questions. Thank you to my interns biffel, goober, perenne & Rolling. Thank you to angry officer as well. Sorry to the reader.



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