Coach's Corner #16




disclaimer: the opinions expressed by the 1 interviewed are by the 1 interviewed. the coach may have completely different views dont cancel me.


SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER: Hi all! my names SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER, but you can call me soapy or Ethan, either works. Team's ive recently played on include Morning Light, Witness Gaming, and Man Crush Monday

COACH:  How are you doing today?

S: Pretty good so far how about you

C: I'm good brodie thanks for asking. How long you been running TF2 for?

S: Roughly 9 years with a lot of breaks here and there

C: 9 years? Holy... Wait, you start during the F2P update?

S: Yeah I got the game right as it went f2p

C: Wow you're in the same boat as me. That's crazy. How old are you?

S: I turn 19 in 10 days O_O

C: Say word. I hope all of our readers wish you a happy birthday on March 13th. How'd you get into TF2?

S: The meet the class videos I believe. Honestly it's been so long its hard to remember haha

C: Yeah eh. Which one you think was the most sick?

S: Meet the spy for sure

C: And why is that?

S: Probably because it's the longest one I think, and it's the most recent

C: Yeah that one was pretty long. They made the Spy so sick in the movie but then when you play him in TF2 he's dookie. It's actually so disappointing. Like the man kills three people and has everyone guessing, but then you launch the game only to find out he's the worst class in the game. It's fucked.

S: Yeah I could not imagine playing spy in highlander. Sounds awful lmao.

C: Facts. They took away the only fun part about Spy (the ambassador). So what introduced you to competitive?

S: If I remember correctly it was around 2012, the orange server I was playing on at the time wanted to make a UGC iron 6s team. I didnt make the cut.

C: Wow. That's fucked. Did any of them ever get far in competitive though?

S: To my knowledge Tasheem is the only player on that server who still plays if you know who that is

C: indecency?

S: Yes indecency

C: Think he was on the Ed discord years back, but I'm not sure. Sayin that cut sparked the competitive flame in you?

S: Uhh yeah I'd say so. After that I basically played tf2lobby, tf2center, mge, jump and bball. I never actually joined a real 6s team until season 25 of esea which I believe was the summer of 2017.


pictured: cp_orange, a popular pub map


C: Damn that's crazy. You were just in the lab until then huh. Did you always main Soldier?

S: Yeah I've always played soldier. It just appealed to me the most I guess haha

C: Makes sense. You can't replicate jumping like TF2 soldier in any other game out there. So do you like playing classes other than Soldier ?

S: Scout, at one point in my career I'd like to play a season of scout in invite but for now thats a bit of a stretch, I'm pretty bad at scout right now haha

C: Okay okay. What do you think are your strong points as a player?

S: Definitely my jumps and rockets

C: Okay okay. And what are your weak points as a player you think?

S: Uhh probably game sense. I'm still really new to invite so its hard to predict the flow of the game I guess. Haven't quite picked up on everyone's tendencies yet

C: All right, so what's a pet peeve that you see roamers doing that you believe they should be doing but just don't do?

S: Feeding at poor times, a lot of newer roamers dont nearly value their life as much as they should. Thats something that sandblast stressed to me early on during my first season in invite

C: Yeah eh. You think you fixed up on that now though?

S: I'd say so yeah. It'll still happen every now and then, sometimes things don't go as planned haha

C: Facts. People don't understand that you can only achieve perfect gameplay through adjusting and adapting to new variables and obstacles. So how do you practice? What's your routine?

S: As far as practicing goes nowadays, I try to keep my aim and jumps sharp in DM servers and mge'ing logan before and after scrims. I don't typically watch demos as often these days because usually I already know what the problem is whenever there is one

C: Yeah eh. Sayin you crunch this man Logan paul in mge eh?

S: Oh of course. That kid doesnt stand a chance vs me lmfao


pictured: logan when he catches the work from soapy in MGE


S: Nah but for real, logan's next up man

C: Okay okay. Lets talk about teams here: tell us about your hl team.

S: Basically I was dragged into highlander hell by exile during ashville week because rj wanted to move to pyro, and now exile cant play on mondays so rj is on demo and we brought in bm to play pyro. mcm has gone through a lot of roster changes haha, but for my first highlander team theyve all been super awesome

C: Yeah it's good that they're very welcoming; the worst teams are the ones where everyone is gossiping and are enemies on the low & that applies to both gamemodes. What do you think are the strong points of #mcm ?

S: Triiiple is insane, Rogues a very good caller, evil's a very good info spy, and watterson is nuts. Also nobody really tilts which is really awesome considering how its 9 players in a mumble together

C: That's good. Does everyone laugh when Spades gets chimped?

S: YES. but sometimes spades asks for it

C: Of course. At least everyone is laughing

S: This clip remains to be the funniest shit to me

C: That is a good clip. We'll talk more about that one later. Now what do you believe are the weak points of your team?

S: We feed a lot sometimes, especially before sacks and probably the biggest weak point is that we've had a different roster for every match lmao

C: Okay okay. Who are the fearsome players you've faced off against so far in HL?

S: I fear nobody...

C: Not even Snipers ? Or your jumps that nice?

S: nyxi will tell u, im tier 6. Hes not safe on lakeside week...

C: Okay okay. I see you bro. So now, I'm gonna be blunt with you: anyone who you think is dogshit in HL? Name some names.

S: Ahh shit... Idk man I feel like I have the best aim and jumps in the division. I don't think anyones necessarily dogshit, but some of these soldiers gotta play a jump map...


pictured: the menace himself fuzion


C: ROFL that's what I always say when I cast matches with Bowl. HL soldiers find out how to jump between the cliff rocks on viaduct and it's like they discovered fire.


C: I'd say during when I played for real I was top 3 in terms of jumping ability and that was due to literally everyone just being god awful at jumping. I wasn't even good at jumping in the first place, fuzion and biffel made fun of my jumps; calling it "the vryktion jump". Shit was tough. Honestly why HL soldiers are so shit at jumping eludes me, how can you be bad at like the best & most fun part of soldier. Plus like that's most of your job in HL. It's crazy.

C: But anyway, what do you believe are the win conditions for HL?

S: In order to win I'd say we need to get a confirmed 9 for the rest of the season to start off. from there its probably just all up to us playing at our best

C: Okay okay. Now tell me about your 6s team.

S: I am on the anime team...

C: 0_0

S: Nah but for real everyone on this roster is very talented. Toy hits insane arrows, logan doesnt miss, ether manages to hit insane rockets even on 80 ping, exile kind of a noob and sandblasts a beast. 

S: jk I love exile. It's just fun to mess with him

C: Facts. Exile along with Toy were my players when I was actively Coaching. They're super nice and I wouldn't have had them be starters if they didn't fit in with the Brampton Warriors Culture. But yo, this team really does look nice. Can I play on it?

S: Now that sandblast isnt our coach anymore... we need a coach. you down?

C: Okay okay.. Have your team manager DM me and it'll be over. B4nny's time at the top is limited. 😈😈😈

S: Witness if you're reading this, hit up COACH BUCKS

C: ahhh eeee. Moving on, what are the strong points of your team?

S: oh we have that monkey DM

C: I like this already.


pictured: Witness Gaming pulling up to their match


S: Hahaha. With the addition of sandblast we've all started to grow braincells which is nice too

C: Okay looking good. But what do you think are the weak points of your team?

S: I'd say everyone on this roster besides sandblast is still kinda new to invite other than sandblast. So a lot of us aren't that smart

C: Naw don't say you guys aren't smart. You guys probably just don't know any better. Listen, there's a big difference between a man who has alot of intellect, and someone who possesses alot of knowledge.

S: Wise words..

C: Facts. Once all of you have both, it's all over. But anyway, how you feel about the season so far?

S: Pretty good so far, I have high hopes coming into the latter half of the season

C: That's good. You think your team can take the coveted Dub this season?

S: I think the goal in the heads of everyone besides me was just to make playoffs. But seeing as how I made 3rd last season I'd like to do it again, and recently we've been playing really good, so surely its doable

C: Of course. You play to win, that's how it should be. So who are the fearsome players you've faced off against so far this season?

S: Like I said before I fear nobody... But the players who've impressed me are probably like, pretty much all of FROYO and GCI. I'd also like to say caps has done well this season, hes my boy

C: Of course. Now.. anyone who you feel is mediocre or overrated for the team they're playing for?

S: you know... you asked habib this exact question and he said me then proceeded to catch this rocket from me

C: Holyyyy

S: Jk habibs nuts, but honestly I think everyones done pretty well this season

C: Yeah eh. That's good to hear. so lets talk about the chance to win. what are the win conditions for your team to clutch out the dub?

S: Same with highlander basically, we've had really good scrims and matches in these past weeks so if we keep playing how we are, the dubs will come rolling in

C: Okay okay. How do you feel about the current state of 6s?

S: Ah this is a good question. So the way I see it currently, I dont see FROYO losing this season, however lots of new talent has recently come to invite... In the coming seasons I think froyo wont be unbeatable

C: 👀👀 

C: So how long did it take for you to get nice at jumping?

S: I've spent so many hours in jump and bball servers that its hard to say haha.A couple hundred hours at least

C: Okay okay. What advice u got for the people who cant beat jump_beef or have a hard time hitting c-taps?

S: Keep at it. practice makes perfect

C: Good to hear. Is bball popping in 2021 still? im told you're a lord at bball.

S: Not as much these days in NA but in EU it's still poppin

C: Okay okay, going back to your 6s team... Sayin you're an anime man eh?

S: not at all. Theyre trying to convert me... But im a pure soul...


pictured: soapymeister when he joins anime fun night for the first time


C: Real shit. So looking at the strawpoll; u won with a record 118 votes. did u expect yourself to be poppin' like that?

S: Oh of course. I have so many fans. I'll name a few: logan, caps, lolguy, exile, and the list goes on...

C: Think after this interview you can add me to that list lol. What are the origins to the name "soapymeister" ?

S: Ahh, so basically I used to play on this harvest server right, and I met this guy named SCHLOOOOOP and I stole the idea of having a bunch of O's in my name from him. as far as the soapy and meister part... im not sure i made it up when i was like 11

C: I know those ones. I made up my old name Vryktion when i was 12 or 13. If you made your steam account today would you still pick soapymeister as your name?

S: Yeah. I really like my alias

C: Ok ok. So what do you like to do outside of TF2? any hobbies? interests?

S: I played hockey up until my senior year of highschool which was the reason I never committed to playing 6s. It was hard to balance scrims and hockey practice

C: That's sick. You gonna play hockey again once corona is done?

S: I'd like to yeah

C: That's super neat. I got some pictures I'd like to show you and I want to know your thoughts. 


S: this man  has won highlander too many times for him to be feeding like this...

C: At the very least, you know now that Spades wouldn't back down if you need him to be with you in a fight.

S: Thats why i love him


S: The best video on youtube. Hes the king, what can i say.




























S: LMAO no comment

















 S: LMAO. No comment once again...

















S: This is me when i play vs froyo

C: All right, lets move onto our reader submitted questions. a couple questions from redditoverlord: as someone who jumped fairly quickly from playing against advanced players to invite players, what were the most difficult things to adjust to?

S: I'd say the most difficult thing to adjust to is probably the scouts being so good. They're all are really good at denying soldier bombs

C: when are we winning invite together?

S: next season buddy

C: A couple questions from rae: what got you into bball?

S: The wonderland bball video. Its a classic, what can i say

C: And who was (and maybe even today) is your biggest inspiration?

S: Uhh, either Drackk or Laz were my favorite players to watch. I was also a big platinum fanboy years ago

C: from shotaway: Hey Mr. Meister, my name is Shotaway and I'm a Spy main. Ive been trying to get into 6s for the past couple months and utterly failing... I felt that perhaps Scout isn't my strong suit, and after going off as Roamer in a couple TF2Centers, I decided to change mains and now I'm playing Roamer! >:D

Ive been studying up on MR. SLIN's guides & enrolled at the Death Merchant University, and I enjoy contributing to my team by fufilling my role, but I can't seem to figure out who should I target in my bomb. Can you tell me who should be my first priority when I bomb in this screenshot?

He also attached a picture to this.

C: I assume he didn't have the means of putting down a xhair or a hud in his screenshot for some reason

S: The answer is killbind. ur not getting out of this one pal LMAO

C: couple questions from dbk: whats with you and monkeys?

S: I have no obsession with monkeys idk what dbks talking about lmao

C: I don't know either but I really like Monkeys. I have alot in common with them !

S: Yeah I like monkeys too!

C: And how tall are you?

S: 6'0. barely made it to cool

C: from sandblast: When did you accept the invitation to be the president of the LOLGUY fan club?

S: Back in march when he first called me baby laz

C: Okay okay. Before we conclude this interview, is there anything you'd like to say?

S: shoutouts include: DRIFTA, krung, maxxy, keylime, LOLGUY, caps, daybreak, logan, the mcm boys, the wG boys, the ML boys, the shiny mumble, and buuds etf2l team. oh and of course the crew

Thank you very much to Soapymeister for the interview, as well as my interns Rolling, odb, perenne & bffl. Also, thank you to hyphen, JJSlim, rightjustify, smilez, triiiple & wish for help with this interview and thank you to the reader for reading the 16th edition of Coach's Corner.



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