Coach's Corner #17




The Skeez Testimonials


"Skeez was an awesome teammate. Had a ton of fun playing with him back when he was a scout main. Many respects to Skeez." ~ Rolling aka egg wasteman

"skeez is hung, his sack be swangin." ~  vanilla love, top 500 ow player aka memento mori's own coach poop

"skeez got carried by yipyapper." ~ odb, local welfare recipient

"i hope you never find a team ever again u useless piece of shit." ~ showstopperTANK, b4nny's greatest threat

"May the moonshoes be with him, praise to Allah." ~ habib, sweeterman

"Skeez plays 6s Medic I think he mains scout he is really cool" ~ Kegaman



disclaimer: the opinions expressed by the 1 interviewed are by the 1 interviewed. the coach may have completely different views dont cancel me.


PRO SKEEZ: hi, i'm skeez and i currently play medic for froyotech :)

PRO BUCKS: How are you doing today?

PRO SKEEZ: doin good, feels like a monday for sure but can't complain too much

PRO BUCKS: I know those ones. How long have you been playing TF2 for?

S: i originally started playing highlander in ugc s12, so around early 2014 i think? i am now a boomer.

C: Crazy. If someone asked you in 2014 "where did you see yourself in 5 - 10 years", would you have guessed playing for FROYO ?

S: i never couldve imagined playing at this level, back then i was just a backup in steel hl playing plat or even gold back then were pretty big accomplishments for me. i also never thought id still be playing this game 7 years later xd

C: Real shit. I remember the HL Skeez, crazy time. What introduced you to competitive back then?

S: for a while i played on this 32 man payload server (shoutout to top notch clan), that server had a LOT of really good players that were silver/gold/plat and even esea IM back in the day. being in that environment with a lot of tryhards kinda got my competitive fire going, 

but in terms of actual comp my introduction was probably stabbystabby. watched his vids and his streams and got introduced into highlander that way


pictured: PROFESSIONAL SKEEZ, back when he was a simple shpee player


C: Yeah eh.. Did you main Shpee back in the day?

S: but of course. hasnt everyone had a shpee main phase?...

C: Facts. Running shpee in pubs is fun as hell. So are u a medic main or do u still consider yourself a scout player?

S: for a while id lie and tell myself i was a scout main, but lets be real here

at the end of the day ill always be a med main sadly

C: Just wait till arekk or slemnish's power go out, then FROYO Skeez will truly be unleashed ...

S: theyre both better at med than me too, it might be the logical move

C: lool So what do you believe are your strong points as a player?

S: im a pretty strong commer, and a decent enough main caller. kinda think those have always been my thing esp on medic. my mechanics certainly aren't my strong point so something else has gotta be decent for me to be playing in invite lmao

C: Okay, which leads me into my next question: what are your weak points as a player?

S: my mechanics certainly aren't 'bad' per se but they're not goated like a lot of other top meds. i also might be a little too reckless with my life at times, but ive always been a believer in playing balls deep on med

C: Facts, how you played HL medic back in the day is still a favourite amongst the top players.

S: makes me happy to hear :)

im sure the spies loved having me around too

C: Sometimes team is just noob... So how do you practice? what's your routine?

S: i think ive finally reached that point in my boomer career where im just a scrim and match player for the most part but in the past i definitely grinded dm and pugs quite a bit. playing pugs with good players got me improving at a crazy rate when i finally did fully transition into 6s med

C: Say word. I remember when pugchamp b4nny was still a thing. Seeing him play with you was really entertaining, but pugchamp b4nny was peak b4nny content overall.

pictured: showstopper when skeez drops in a pug... again.

S: pugchamp b4nny was peak tf2

C: You're right.

S: crazy high level invite pugs running all day into the early morning

C: Would you say pugs are the #1 way to getting better in TF2?

S: pugs certainly can help, but id say the "best" way at getting better in tf2 is to actually have an intent on learning and improving when playing. whether it be scrims, pugs, dm, mge, w/e. a lot of people just autopilot. making mistakes and learning from those mistakes are the fastest way to improve, but you can't learn from them if you're not thinking while you play

C: Wise words, I think that concept is definitely underrated. Speaking of which, what pet peeves do you have when you watch other people play tf2?

S: not comming triggers the CRAP out of me. but outside of that -- messing around in scrims is pretty annoying to watch. fact is, when the pressure is high during a match you're most likely to go back to what you've practiced the most and instinctually know and bad habits are SO hard to break


pictured: when u scrim a troll team & their demoknight gets a 6k


C: True true ok ok... So sayin you hate people who troll scrims eh?

S: just ends up being a waste of time for your team and the team you're scrimming

C: Okay okay. So for the people who don't know, tell us about your team.

S: froyo is a lot different than pretty much every team i've ever been on. Everybody is able to freely voice qualms or problems with each other without being afraid of offending someone. everyone on this team just wants to contribute in being the best team in the world

C: Yeah eh that's crazy. So you guys going to win this season and continue proving that FROYO is the best?

S: hopefully! the goal is always to be the best team possible. get slem that W.

C: Of course. Now what u think are the strong points of your team?

S: outside of the obvious stuff like dm, experience, etc. we're all pretty selfless. we don't really care about stats at the end of the day. do whatever it takes to help our team be successful

C: That's good. Those are the type of players you want when you're the leader of the best team in the world. So what u think are the weak points of your team?

S: habib has smoked all his brain cells away

C: Yo lowe my broski I know hes got the astro pinks.. 😭😭😭

Who are the fearsome players you think people should be on the lookout this season?

S: i think howard has the potential to be pretty darn good. animus is also already super sick and will hopefully keep improving. logan has surprised me a lot too

C: Okay okay, anyone who you feel is mediocre or overrated for the team they’re playing for?

S: we keep those close to the heart.......


pictured: habib when he experiences a skeez solo


C: Real shit. Ok ok so.. who do u think is the weak link on your team?

S: literally me. when im playing well, i'm confident in saying i could hold my own against any medic throughout the history of tf2. but im definitely too inconsistent, my floors are reaaal low lol

S: but the weak link is habib. its always habib

C: lmaoo all right, so it's undisputed that froyo is the best team out there, but are they the most professional?

S: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... i dont really know how to answer that LOL

S: at the end of they day we're playing tf2 here. b4nny definitely tries to keep us accountable tho, make sure we dont get banned for some dumb ass shit.

C: Okay okay, moving on what are your thoughts on the current state of Invite, and TF2 as a whole?

S: best season of invite in a while; top 2 teams are determined but all season 3-6 teams have all been pretty darn close. tf2 will kinda just always be around despite what people wanna say about it

C: Okay okay. So who/what pisses you off when you run tf2?

S: habib. people that feed for meds are annoying too... but mostly habib.

C: Okay okay. After playing it for such a long time, what makes tf2 still so enjoyable for you?

S: im just a super competitive guy and i love competing. that + all the genuine friendships ive made over all these years make it worth it. i still have some hl friends from 2015 that i still talk to

C: Yeah we'll get to those friends soon. What are your favourite memories from tf2?

S: theyre all started to blur together in my old age but ive looooved every lan ive been to. hanging with the homies, 5 ping, the best teams *chefs kiss*

C: Sounds like fun. So who are your top 10 players that you played medic for?

S: every froyo teammate ive had (7 i think?) and then the ascent peeps. sleeper shoutout to cheesymacgyver, that guy is a GOD. 

i guess thats more than 10... o well

C: Wow... Where's eerie person... Where's Vanilla Love on that list???

S: TRUE! I rescind... invader, odb, eerie pootis, vanilla pootis, rolls royce, angryofficer and some other highlander brainlets im sure im forgetting

C: Yeah old nasty mumble was so crazy in that period, we'll talk about that soon. But lets talk about the haters. u have alot of them, how do u always remain professional even under constant scrutiny from the haters

S: this is like the lebron PR answer, but its also kinda how ive always felt. i just dont really care unless its one of my teammates. im confident enough in my own play to not take criticism from littlejimmy2008 in twitch chat to heart...

littlejimmy2008 will probably end up replacing me sooner or later tho

C: Real shit. These guys watch like 2 6s casts and start moving like they're MR. SLIN with their meta-knowledge.

S: trueeeee lmao

C: So what do u have to say to all the haters that picked on you over the years?

S: one letter: K.

C: Okay okay. And for the people who are simply amateurs or have a hard time maintaining their composure and staying professional, what advice do you have to give to them?

S: just focus on improving, the winning will come later. shit like tilting and being immature will prevent improvement


pictured: skeez's fanclub; called "box of max & skeez"


C: Of course. Now ive been informed from many that u were carried by yipyapper in open. is this rumor true ?

S: he was indeed my demoman. he always asked to play engineer on last though which was weird coming from the demo. had to have an intervention with him...

C: Damn. Did you get carried though ?

S: absolutely. it was an honor

C: Of course. I also heard that you have trouble lifting the bar. what do you think your problem with it is?

S: thats CAP. look, im small and lanky but im trying...

S: listen. just because the darth invad3r can bench 3 plates now doesnt mean im not a better demo than him 

C: That's good to see you trying bro. One day you'll be able to move that bar. Moving onto my next question here, what does the term "the big dirty" mean to you?

S: the big dirty has many meanings. s3x and absolutely domination in the server are the primary meanings. those are typically intertwined tho

C: Good to know. So what do you like to do outside of TF2? any hobbies? interests?

S: i really dig lifting, rock climbing, hangin with the boys. ya know the typical

C: Say word. What type of photography you do? I got some new drip so you know I have to get some pics on the gram with that.

S: i like street photography, some landscape, and travel stuff. but ive got u.

C: Ah ah ah respects my g. Since we're on the topic of pictures, we actually have some pictures prepared for you and I want to know your thoughts.

S: $pades $lick

S: thats vanilla love irl

C: 😍😍😍











S: sexy goober fucking super hot chicks














 S: low key the best hat in the game. Dad vibes

C: facts. No wonder Godwash wanted it so bad.

S: LMFAO. on god the goat hl scout

C: Truly.

S: i still see him in my nightmares

C: Me too. Okay, we got some reader submitted questions here. From tery_: What do you think the graduating class members of ESEA Open Season 20 Weiner Bros are up to in current year?

S: skag is chatting it up with chicks on snapchat 24/7. peyote is having a spiritual experience somewhere. rolling is a csgo pro under some new alias. glider is living it up working for hyperx. shiki is being shiki

C: Yeah eh. Rolling is my son, he helped alot with this interview actually. Although he prefers to be called by his new alias: egg wasteman now.

S: Liquid Egg WasteMan

C: Real shit. From spu: what blackmail does b4nny use to keep froyo players from playing highlander?

S: the gamemode SUCKS. no blackmail needed

C: from goug: what do you think of this

S: lan is never happening again. banny is immortal.

C: from spring rolls: thoughts on being created by invader

S: that guy was born in the parking lot of a giddy up n go

C: ROFL I swear you used that insult years ago actually, if my memory serves me correct... Or you just called him an [REDACTED] hick who [REDACTED].

S: 100% true. both me calling him that and him being that

C: All right, before we conclude this interview is there anything you would like to say?

S: shoutout to you for the interview :) shoutout to everyone on froyo but habib

C: Respects my g

Thank you to Skeez for the interview, really appreciate it! Thank you to my interns rolling, bff-forever, odb & perenne for the help as always. Thank you to the people named in the testimonials as well as spades, pellovley & deaftjoe for information/pictures. And thank you to the reader for reading this.


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