Coach's Corner #5




disclaimer: the opinions stated by the interviewee aren't reflective of the coachs views. dont cancel me.

Starfruit66: hi, i am starfruit66 and I play engie for Impostors HL

COACH: How are you today?

S: good, and you?

C: I'm good thanks, grinding Star wars & relaxing. So you play engineer eh, I've been told by multiple sources that you're the best at engineer in Invite. Is that true?

pictured: starfruit66 standing over the bodies of his dead enemies

S: I don't think so, its really hard to determine who the best engie in invite is because it can be a really low impact class at times. Usually its just whoever is engie on the first place team.

C: Damn. You're very humble at the very least. Are you a part of the team?

S: Im in the discord but thats about it.

C: Damn. A lone wolf, I rock with that. Do you agree with the theories and resources they have for new up & coming engineers?

S: Yea, a lot of what they present info is fundamental so its really helpful for people trying to learn how to play comp.

C: Okay okay. How long you been playing TF2 for Starfruit66?

S: since the free to play update

C: Do you like playing classes other than engineer starfruit66?

S: Yea, I like playing pyro and heavy.

C: I like those classes too. Especially Heavy. Seeing all the dummies run away from you when you pop out is funny to me. Is it true you don't utilize the crouch key?

S: I use crouch I just cant play with my pinky so I press space with my thumb and then move my thumb over quickly.

C: Damn. Why can't you use your pinky?

S: Never learned how, its not even just tf2, I dont use my pinky in any game.

pictured: starfruit66's greatest weakness

C: Yeah eh. That's interesting. Tell me about your current team.

S: Right now our roster is the same for the most part. We had to cut Flare because of behavior issues but we are trying him out heavy and we recently picked up brandon and demo and it has been okay. We are still adjusting to his playstyle but we fell confident going into the season.

C: Yeah eh. To be honest I don't know your roster at all but I imagine the readers will know the entire roster very well. Admittedly I'm not really invested into the scene that much, but even a man like me knows that you and your team are fan favourite amongst the top level players, did you know that?

S: Not at all

C: Damn, that's crazy. People like to talk about your team at least whenever I'm in a discord/mumble. Why do you think your team is so popular?

S: No idea

C: That's tough. How did your team start?

S: We played in UGC and just wanted to win. We just kept improving each season and in RGL S3 we made the jump to invite.

C: Damn. It's simple like that eh. What are the strong points of your team?

S: Our pick classes, Dave and Michaelpc1 are by far the best players on the team.

C: Yeah eh. I heard Michaelpc1 is a man to be feared. What are the weak points of your team?

S: probabaly me, my dm sucks

C: Naw don't talk about yourself like that brodie. Listen, I wouldn't have known who you are if it weren't for everyone saying how nice you were.

S: thanks

ad: follow to see the eerie duo stream (credit to november)

C: No problem. People need to be given credit where it's deserved, and if your own team doesn't give you credit then let it be known that the people that you play against see that you're the Grim Reaper on the Imposters. Moving on, do you think the imposters are gonna take the Dub this season?

S: I think so, we just need to sort our roster issues and I think we have a great chance at winning.

C: Good to hear. I hope you take down that worthless coach poop. All right, lets run it back to engineer. Name your top 5 engineers of all time.

S: Sigafoo, Spamfest, exa, Clark, and Jihadi Josh

C: Ok... But why am I not on there?

S: I dont know who you are

C: Wow. More importantly why isn't Spades on that list?

S: Spades overrated

C: Wow. That's fucked. Ok, lets say we put you into a cage deathmatch with rayman5000, monkey66, 88 fingers eddward, thegamerway856 & games0124. Who's going to leave that cage alive?

pictured: the greatest engineer of all time & the face of competitive tf2: spades slick (credit to deaftjoe)

S: Probably edward because he mains spy

C: Damn. I hope one day to see 88 fingers go off against the 66 monkeys. Okay, what do you like to do outside of TF2? Any interests? Hobbies?

S: I like watching basketball and I have been riding my bike a bit.

C: Yeah eh. Who's your favourite team?

S: Lakers

C: Okay okay, Lets move onto our next segment. I got a few pictures I want to show you and I wanna know your thoughts.

S: sure

S: looks like a true gentleman.


 S: looks familiar 
















 S: party time

S: what?

C: is this picture confusing?

S: it seems very different than the other 3?

C: Yeah I can agree with that. Before we conclude this interview, is there anything you would like to say?

S: No.

Thanks alot fellas, sorry for the wait. Post nominations below, as a reminder we currently have high impact dolphin and wish on our strawpoll still. Thanks to Starfruit66 for being our fifth guest and thanks to rj & triiiple for interview candidate suggestions. I'll close nominations in a couple days, thanks!

The interview is barebones I know. I'll go harder soontimes.


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