Coach's Corner #6


disclaimer: the opinions stated by the interviewee aren't reflective of the coachs views. dont cancel me.

wish: I'm wish and I have played highlander TF2 since 2014. Since I started playing, I only really played on "friend" teams so my first real season of UGC Platinum was in S24. I've only been on one team for an entire season during RGL Invite, and those were on Apolodosh in Season 3 & 4.

COACH: How are you doing today?

w: I'm doing good, I just finished something for my job.

C: Yeah eh. What did you finish?

w: I'm making a game and I finished the settings menu.

C: Okay okay, that's neat. You start playing TF2 during the F2P update?

w: No, I've been playing since 2010. I would come home from middle school and play arena_badlands on a community server where a lot of great players played on, like Shrugger, the Rent-A-Homies invite team and Manbug (though he was called fudge packer back then)

C: LMAO you being for real?

w: The head admin of that server who was like a 60 year old wheelchair-bound boomer absolutely hated spy players so he decided to change manbug's name to "Fudge packer" and the name kinda stuck.

pictured: galaxy spy when someone talks down on manbug's name

C: That's funny as hell. So you got into competitive through that server? Or you were just exposed to playing against good players

w: kind of, yeah. We made a highlander team from regulars in that server. serv0 asked me to play on their open team when they first were starting out but I was like 13 years old and I had mic anxiety; probably my biggest "what-if" involving tf2.

C: I know those ones. I had mic anxiety when I first started playing competitive too. I really didn't want to embarass myself or come off as a cringey lil kid, watched too many lil kid rage comps on youtube back in the day. Look at me now though.

w: eh I had probably 4x more anxiety during those days than I do now and that's saying something.

C: Ya eh. So what's your current status with TF2? Are you playing now or

w: nah, if I play competitive TF2, I feel like I have to play the game constantly (like 3 hours a day or sometimes more) because I hate performing at not my best.

C: Damn. I understand that. So why did you decide on Scout as your class to play in competitive?

w: I played alot of turbine which is an insane scout/sniper map. I think 1/3 of my scout hours and 2/3 sniper hours are on turbine alone.

C: Yeah eh. Okay okay. What classes do you like to play other than Scout?

w: I like playing Sniper, not in a competitive setting because I hate dying to Spies. I don't really like playing anything else.

C: Why not? The other classes are pretty fun.

w: If I'm negative in k/d as any class, I get tilted and start playing differently. So scout/sniper are the classes most likely to not go negative, although playing pub soldier or playing demoman in a lower level game? that's ok. But as soon as I start doing poorly, all I can think about is "I should be playing Scout right now"

C: Damn. I can agree with you. When I was actually trying to play Soldier I would go even or negative doing the right thing but it would be kinda frustrating because I instinctively care about my k/d.  I'd feel like I'm doing poorly even if I'm being very impactful.

w: It feels like soldier you're living for that moment when you bomb them and get a 3k otherwise it's boring.

C: Maybe for some people. I just like moving fast and jumping. What do you feel are your strong points as a player?

pictured: wish's interns switching out his graphics cards

w: I have a lot of free time and I am not limited by my hardware.

C: What does not being limited by your hardware mean?

w: I get a constant 300 frames no matter what. I think if you give anyone my free time and my hardware they could probably become better than me.

C: Naw don't discredit yourself like that. You're where you are because of your actions and perseverance. No one else thinks about you like that and if they do they have genuine problems. The hardest critic is yourself, and it's you who can impose limits. Otherwise there is no limit to what you can do.

w: Yeah, I'm aware of this. Thanks Coach Bucks.

C: No problem. So what do you think are your weak points?

w: no comment looooool

C: Okay okay. Since you don't play no more what are your thoughts on the current state of top level HL, if you have any?

w: I think this upcoming season of HL has the highest average skill level per team ever in RGL since season 1.

C: Why is that?

w: In season 1 there were two teams and you couldn't be 100% sure who would win but this season of HL? It has the perfect mix of new & old players.

C: Okay. But why do the mix of old/new players make this season interesting though? Does it make this season really competitive? Versus other season like you said: where it's just top 2 and everyone else. Or just interesting in general.

w: I'm not really sure it makes it competitive. I like seeing old players though, like I've always wondered what it would be like if you ported a top invite sniper into UGC s9. Would they just destroy? My sniper friends always told me "no I would get destroyed by max/m4risa/etc", but the game was different back then. I understand these old players probably don't play trhe game as much as they did back when they first started playing, so it's not really a fair comparison.

C: That's interesting to think about. Can you name some rosters/players that piqued your interest?

pictured: the inferior coach poop (credit to Alto)

w: I think refrigerator could possibly pull off some upsets, their roster looks really solid. Seeing Muma playing HL is also pretty interesting. I don't really know about anything else.

C: Well you already know more than me. I look at the spreadsheet and most of the names I don't recognize to be honest.

w: mhm. If I had to place the top 4 teams it would be

1. Memento mori
2. Kids Next Door
3. Cuties
4. Refrigerator

C: Memento Mori...? Really? You put that team on #1? No disrespect to the players on that team but they have a god awful Coach. Coach poop is one of the most unprofessional people I have ever interacted in this league.

w: who is coach poop

C: Exactly. That's what I'm sayin. How they think they're gonna win with such a mediocre Coach amazes me. But anyway, who were the fearsome players you've faced off against in your career?

w: The most scary player I have ever played against was odb, that guy is a machine. I remember back in season 9 iron he was by and far the best player in the division. I remember, it was koth_arctic (the old version of warmtic) and I had to play demoman against him. I have never been as destroyed as I did in that match. I stopped playing demoman after that

C: Yeah odb and I have been hitting the lab as of late. He's super crazy, I remember a few years back I played on Team Canada as Spy and we played Team South which had odb & Invader. They both shredded our team, it was crazy. goober in my book is one of the players who doesn't miss. That's the type of standard I try to strive for when I play & sweat. But anyway, who were the people who you felt were mediocre or overrated when you played?

w: I can't think of anyone

C: Genuinely or are you trying to not talk down on people?

pictured: the coach and odb after 2 hours of counterjump gran

w: a little bit of both. like if I tried really hard, I could probably think of someone but they're probably still active in the TF2 community and it feels like unnecessary beef

C: Understandable. As someone who's been playing for years what pet peeves do you have when you see other people play in TF2?

w: like gameplay wise or personality?

C: I guess both.

w: i think my biggest pet peeve is when people don't let things go. the game is small, there's no reason to have beef from something that happened ages ago

C: Yeah I get that. I dislike high school girl energy.

w: another pet peeve is people who shit talk people who actually play the game. the 'I'm better than you as a person because I play TF2 less'

C: Damn why you gotta call me out like that wish. Come on now...

pictured: the coach after he gets called out for his shittalk

C: So how did you practice? What's your routine?

w: I just pubbed. I was never into MGE or DM servers

C: You sure you just pubbed wish ?

w: like maybe 95% pub and 5% pre-game mge if someone on my team asked

C: What about all them pugs wish?

pictured: when ur boy spends 4 bills on a "gaming chair"

w: oh... I block those out of my memory. I consider those as pubbing because I treated them like a pub, contrary to popular belief....

C: Hmm, you right. Although I guess our definitions of treating a pug like a pub is way different. But one question about the pugs though. What motivated you to play that many pugs in a row and try so hard in every one of them?

w: me 'trying hard' is if i'm actually trying to win in pugs. i just try and shoot things try to have good stats

C: Okay okay, that's fair. Do you have a gaming chair?

w: No. I have an office chair from office max

C: All right. So while doing research for this interview I wanted to ask about your medigun's name cuz I remember seeing it one time in pugs before, and I came across some of your uhhh... other weapon names.

w: ...

C: ...

pictured: does wish want to be a catgirl?

C: ... So like... You want to be a catgirl eh?

w: never. when I was in that deranged mental state I equated 'being cringe = funny', and then I got surprised when people actually made fun of me. people bring it up as some sort of like 'gotcha' but i can live with it

C: I know those ones brodie. I know you definitely don't need a handout but I'll amazon two day ship you a box of snickers anytime. But regardless I hope you get to be who you want to be as a person and get to where you want to be. I also came across this term "p******" and I did a bit of googling and lets just say i was astonished. Any comment on that?

w: My maplestory guild was named that.

C: Damn your guild was moving like that? That's crazy.

w: They told me it meant "Eternal Love" or something

C: Eternal love huh? Well listen, if borders open up come through to Toronto one time. We'll reach the House of Lancaster, I'll make sure they treat you super bless there.

w: maybe when I'm not a neet. Fortunately these times allow me to be a neet without being looked at funny

C: Facts. It's good that you're social distancing. Okay, so what have you been up to these days wish? What do you do? Any hobbies? Interests?

w: Right now I am dedicating about 80% of my time not sleeping to my job. I watch TV and anime every now and again but I haven't really played much video games

C: Yeah eh what you been watching?

w: I am a huge fan of the boys

C: I read the comic. Is the show different?

w: they changed things up, it's essentially an improved version that isn't as edgy

C: Damn I might have to pop that open one time. What else you been watching?

w: I'm really into learning about unsolved mysteries, so I've also been watching documentaries about those. Anime, I've just been watching Re;zero

C: Yeah eh. I watched the first season off the recommendation of Pigby but I haven't watched the second one yet. I'm more into manwha and manga to a lesser extent.

w: yeah I had a manga phase earlier this month. I read the entirety of Chainsaw man, out of all things that r going on rn chainsaw man is definitely my favorite

C: Yeah that one is super mod. It confuses me. I have to ask Alto every week on what's even going on. I also like Spy x Family too, that one is super jokes.

w: I caught up to that. I don't really like the release schedule though with once every two weeks. I feel like I'm going to forget about it and get behind

C: Facts. I told Alto not to put me onto stuff cuz I get too amped. It needs to be completed or else I can't read it. All right, I got some pictures and I want to know your thoughts on them.

w: Let's see them.


w: I bought the Fast Forward emoji :TOspeed:



w: season 3 was ok but season 4 was too homoerotic

C: ...

pictured: the coach hesitating on whether to acknowledge that or continue posting pictures

C: Can you elaborate?

w: It was a dark time for everyone involved.

C: Yeah. I think.. Okay,

w: Is that vizie's avatar

C: Bro.. That was my avatar. Im boutta end this interview just now

w: i associate weird mickey mouse images with moneyspeaks21

C: No disrespect to him, he's nice. But that's my profile picture from time.



w: i really enjoyed playing with dongus, he's a kindhearted dude

he actually speaks fluent japanese and he said that picture was from an anime fart

C: Yeah I genuinely have alot of respect for Dongus. He's always been very polite and well mannered from all my interactions with him.

w: I actually recognize what game on Roblox that's from

C: All right chill I'm not trying to get banned. Moving on,

w: wait!!! it isn't a bad game like that!!!! you just build houses and stuff




w: I do that dance every time I win a pug

C: This guy man.. All right, lets move onto our reader submitted questions. From dog: season 8?

w: Ever since I took a break from TF2 my mental state has improved tenfold, so probably not. Don't want to fall down that rabbit hole again

C: From ronnie j: what do you think of Arzt Hispanian, highlander titan, and his first debut to high level pyro in years, Do you have any predictions for how its going to go?

w: i love arzt, i think arzt's pyro is slept on and after a few weeks of playing he will contend with the best of them

C: Damn that's a bold statement. from seven: can wish try this cask of amontillado? it's in my cellar, towards the back. Going to need some context here.

w: I know as much about this question as you do. I've been sober for the entirety of 2020 so I would have to decline

C: Facts. I been sober for a month and a half. Before we conclude this interview, is there anything you would like to say?

w: Shout-outs to shaayy and dev.

Thank you very much to wish for being the 6th guest on the Corner. Thank you to my intern odb as well, and most importantly thank you to the reader who reads this and participates in the polls, nominates & submits questions. The deadline for nominations will end tommorow evening when I come back from work, I'll cut off whoever the lowest voted person from the strawpoll off of it. Any questions, criticism, hate etc please direct them to the thread.


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