Coach's Corner: The Lost Interview of Flu Walrus


disclaimer: the opinions stated by the interviewee aren't reflective of the coachs views. dont cancel me

flu walrus: Hi im flu walrus and I played engineer in invite until I got banned for playing ham pyro in s5 grand finals

COACH: How are you doing today?

f: Im doing good just grinding overwatch

C: Okay okay, how long have you been playing TF2?

f: Ive been playing tf2 since about 2015 and I started playing competitive in s19 ugc

C: So everyone knows you like to play engineer. Tell me why you decided to play engineer in competitive?

f: I actually started playing heavy for my first 4 seasons but I was very very bad at it. i took a break in season 23 and when I came back for season 24 i didn't know what class to play since i realized i didnt like heavy, so i just tried out for a bunch of teams on different classes. i eventually got a spot on engineer for team spu where i ended up doing pretty well and winning silver so from that point on i guess i became an engineer player

C: Damn. Flu walrus the Heavy. I ain't even known that. Why do you think you were so bad at Heavy?

f: i just never really took the time to learn the game, i guess i was ok for a silver level but my gamesense was terrible and i played on a 20 fps computer

C: Do you think if you ran Heavy right now it would be a different story?

f: yeah haha it would probably be way different, i wouldnt have gotten picked up on team spu so i wouldnt have made it as fast as i did to the plat scene

C: Yeah eh. What other classes do you like playing?

f: i love playing sniper, i know most people don't know me as a sniper player but up until i got banned i was grinding sniper in pubs and pugs a lot and i think i became pretty decent at it i just like playing the hitscan classes mostly

C: Yeah I seen the Sniper gameplay. So who do you think you're better than at Sniper?

f: im definitely better than lenny. i think i could play sniper pretty comfortably at an invite level, ive rang in fred pugscrims on sniper against some pretty good teams and did well so idk

 pictured: flu walrus & lenny

C: Wow. Is that why you always tell Lenny off and that he should get off of Sniper?

f: yeah lenny is bollocks as some people might say

C: Damn. How do you practice though? What's your routine?

f: i would just play casual a lot and i would play the kovaaks tracking games a bit

C: Yeah eh. What do you feel are your strong points as a player?

f: i think my aim has gotten pretty decent over the years and i dont rage/tilt that much anymore, i used to have a problem with that

C: Yeah eh. How do you fix your rage/tilt issue?

f: i just realized that whenever i die its almost always due to something wrong that i did personally, so i guess i try and make my deaths a learning experience more than anything else. i also started getting pissed at people who yell ingame because it's annoying so i stopped making my rage vocal

C: Yeah eh. I'm glad my advice helped you improve your mental Flu walrus. It's also good that you notice the bad traits that other players may have and refrain from doing the same sort of actions. Now what are your weak points as a player?

f: i'm not really good at highlander itself i guess, my gamesense has never been very good and ive been told i dont speak ingame that much

C: Okay okay. Flu walrus, many already know of your ban but lets remind people: what did you get banned for?

f: most of our team wanted to throw grand finals as just a funny joke and to kinda spite rgl. i wanted to try because it was my first invite grand finals ever but they just went ahead and did it. i was pretty vocal about it and warned exa and dimento that they were gonna troll, but the game still happened i thought my warning to exa was pretty sufficient, especially since i also told dimento and dimento also warned exa but i guess most people dont agree. so the match happened and we lost and got banned for a year and contrary to popular belief, the match throw was not about how "exile wasnt gonna show up" or how "we knew we had no chance to beat knd" everyone just thought it would be funny. exile said he would rather play his 6s match if we were gonna troll so he didnt show up and we knew we could beat knd bc we recognized our problems from upper bracket finals. it was unfortunate and i did break rules in the rgl rule book so i understand why i got banned

C: Damn. Do you feel remorse for your actions that night flu walrus?

f: i guess so, i think the idea of ham pyro in grand finals was funny as fuck but i dont think it was worth getting banned for a year since i still love the game a lot and i felt i was getting better very quickly during that season

C: And do you think the punishment that resulted from this was justified?

f: like i said, i definitely deserved at least a ban, but considering how i made it clear that i tried to warn important people involved with the match and tried to stop the throw from happening in the first place, i think i deserved a season ban at most. i don't think i am a problem player by any means and that was my only offense ever

C: Okay okay. If you were an admin how would you have handled the situation? Would you have done things differently?

f: i'm definitely biased lol but i would have never banned chad420 and i would have given me less of a ban i totally understand how mad the admins were because the biggest match of highlander was made a mockery of, but i would have hoped they would make more exceptions

C: Now I want to talk about team Fred in general from your perspective. Explain the team dynamic of Fred

f: fred was a really fun team to be on because everyone was individually really good at the game except lenny. i dont really know, everyone is really funny and i could tell we all really got into the game during matches (except grand finals of course)

pictured: alto when he gets trolled by another fucking fred scrim

C: Now there is a term that has been thrown around in the locker room and I want to ask you about it: "trolling it". What is "trolling it" ?

f: idk everyone on fred didnt take the game too seriously so people on our teams liked to troll in scrims and such the ultimate example of "trolling it" was pablo wanting chubbz on medic so i guess that would be the definition

C: ... Are you joking

f: no

C: Chubbz is way better than you Flu walrus. Don't disrespect the man just cuz he isn't in the position to defend himself right now. He took himself off of a Combat class just to see the team succeed, and you know if Chubbz was on a combat class the game was over at all times. There's a reason why Dimento was always trying to poach Chubbz for KND.

f: this guy got jokes fam

C: ...

C: Moving on, from my perspective, it seems like you got trolled alot by your teammates. Why is that?

f: i played the beta class, engineer

C: What does that mean flu walrus?

f: fred wanted me to sit on lenny all the time and be his bitch and when i didn't they got pretty cheesed at me

C: Should it have been the other way around? You sniping while Lenny watches your back with a mini?

f: yeah

C: Since you're banned how do you feel about the current state of top level HL?

f: i don't think i'm at a place to judge how the current state of the game is because of how much i know about highlander, but everyone says its pretty bad. i think it's still pretty exciting and entertaining to watch matches personally and there are still a lot of really good players and people who have gotten better

C: Yeah eh. That's interesting. Who were the fearsome players that you played against during your time playing?

f: ive always thought as an engineer player that the spies in invite that i played against were always really good like dimento, evil, and mr. deldongo

C: Facts. Don't play with Mr. Deldongo when he's hot off the carbs. Were there anyone who you thought were mediocre or overrated when you played against them?

pictured: mr. deldongo after eating 8 travis scott burgers (dont flame me deldongo)

f: i wont single out anyone specifically but i think a lot of these older players that are coming back and that everyone says are amazing haven't been doing too hot it just pisses me off when people say there are no good up and coming players and that the old players will always better than new players

C: Yeah. I understand that. Not directed at anyone at all, but looking at old videos of HL back in the day, people were just as shit back then as well.

f: yeah i think a lot of new players deserve some credit more than just "they are good because the game is dying" or whatever

C: Yeah. Some people back in the day literally never missed and that's how some people including myself compare people to which is unfair in a way, but at the same time though... I don't respect anyone who genuinely grinds this game with the intention to be competitive and consistently miss half their shots in this sort of setting. And that goes for new players and old players alike. People also get hyped up by really bad players too keep that in mind. You can network yourself onto a top team, not that that's a bad thing but it's just reality. I mean, how else do you think I'm where I am status-wise with only 1 full season of maining.

f: yeah i see that i guess you could say i got super lucky by getting a spot on team spu and i got to invite without ever being really good but i'm happy with how much i improved the last season i played

C: Yeah that's good. So who are your top 5 engineers of all time?

f: id say enderp, spamfest, jordan, scratchy, and i actually think yipyapper's gotten pretty good lately looking at his stats from his matches that were casted. im not an old player at all so those are the people i know i guess im sure there were some good engineers back then

C: Okay.. but why am I not on that list though ?

f: bro ive seen you in lobbies and pugs you are a troller!

C: Post a log where I trolled. That's right. You can't.

f: ill find one later

C: Lol Yea Ok. But what about Spades? Why is he not on that list?

pictured: spades at his birthday party last year (he turned 9!) [credit to deaftjoe]

f: ive never seen him play but i know he's really good he's also been nice to me in the 1 or 2 times ive interacted with him so he seems nice too

C: Trust me once you see Spades play, you'll realize that every engineer that you listed is uncomparable to Spades. So you seem to have an interesting reputation: many know you as flu walrus the ham pyro, some flu walrus the engineer player, few know you as Flu walrus the Terrible. How do you want to be remembered in TF2?

f: i want to be remembered as a good engineer player, definitely not the ham pyro hahaha. i get recognized in pubs a lot as the ham pyro and a couple times random have focused me with the ham shank only in casual

C: Damn. So there are many who want to know: what do you do outside of TF2? Any hobbies? Interests?

f: outside of tf2 i play the saxophone and i want to be a music teacher for a career so i guess you could say i'm a band kid

C: Yeah eh. Listen flu walrus I got a few writtens around here, maybe you should reach the studio one time. Maybe download fruityloops, make a couple beats.. See where we can go from there

f: sounds good coach :)

C: Ah ah ah okkkk. So I got some old flu walrus quotes and I want you to explain what's going on


f: well, this was when i left season 4 fred during the preseason because i thought i would be busy with school when it turned out i wouldnt be that busy, i wanted to play again but they already got carcin on engineer

f: hmm not sure about the context in this one. i think i might have been referred to as top 3 scuffed players of all time by some ppl in the fred discord bc i probably did some cringe shit

f: i think this was in reference to season 4 where i was subbing on team fred. i dont think i played a single scrim or match that season lmaooo its just jokes

f: another funny joke, i dont remember the context


f: i was beefin with carcin about something, i dont remember the context for this one either

f: the fred discord is a big fan of thederpysage and i remembered when they made fun of me in season 24 because i was a nobody engineer

C: Ya eh, I'll be real with you: I only know TheDerpySage only because of his name. It's understandable for some people if they can't handle playing competitively at a top level, although admittedly I think it's way less intimidating than some people make it out to be.

All right, I have some pictures that I want to show you, I wanna know your thoughts.

f: squidward dont got time for his shit
























f: not a fan of this guy

C: Why is that?

f: no comment

f: Big fan of pokimane myself, lucky guy right there

C: Are you jealous flu walrus? Be honest, I'm not here to judge.

f: im jealous as fuck tbh





 f: also a big fan of G-Man. pretty sure sigma from overwatch is his long lost brother.

C: If you were at a cliff and on both ends G Man and Pokimane were hanging there and you could only save one who would you save?

f: i would save G-Man, he could probably go back in time and save pokimane like he did with eli vance

C: Whoa spoilers. I'm still playing through the game.

f: facepalm...

f: who is that

C: my friend taco. the leader of my first team.

f: that guy is the same rank as agb in overwatch :O maybe they could queue together one time

C: Damn. Last time he played he deranked back to triple digit ELO then ragequit.

f: yikes

f: thats the guy responsible for no tf2 updates. NOT a fan.

C: What would you do to him if you were in the same room?

f: he's too uh... wide to beat up so i would negotiate with him to get a new tf2 update

C: How would you entice Gabe to bring a new tf2 update?

f: probably buy him a travis scott burger

f: that is scary as fuck

C: Remember, No Russian.

[insert raccoon picture]


C: All right flu walrus lets move onto our reader submitted questions. From flu walrus lover: why is your voice so sexy?

pictured: the life of flu walrus

f: not sure, guess i got good genes

C: From minty: how do you feel about dave and his last game, also the fact they wiped the throw ban?

f: he should have never been banned i feel, he was just having fun and he obviously wanted to play at an invite level he was doing pretty well too in the match still a shame he was banned for any amount of time

C: From jimbob doohickey: whats your go to pubbing loadout for engi?

f: i don't play engineer in pubs too much, i guess when i do i just go shotgun wrangler gunslinger and just run around shooting people, put my mini in stupid spots. if i have a medic friend i'll go widowmaker and pistol

C: From Carcin: what did dope teach you on engineer?

f: he taught me every play i have ever and will ever make without him, i would be steel level. after all, he did theorycraft with bowl of mayo a few times

C: Facts. The mind of Dope is infinite, the best way he can describe it to us simple beings.

pictured: dope on analyst

C: From high impact dolphin: name ur five best active engies in order, including suspended ones.

f: scratchy, yipyapper, exa, wax, perenne

C: Wax... Soon I will take his spot. Before we conclude this interview, anything on your mind that you would like to say?

f: i am lft season 8 so pick me up Smile

f: also, coach bucks... can i get YOUR thoughts on a picture?

C: Okay sure!










C: ahhh eee

Wish Interview coming out tommorow. Thank you to Flu walrus for the interview and again thank you to the reader for taking time out to read this. Any suggestions criticism hate etc please direct them to the thread.


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