Coach's Corner #19



 disclaimer: the opinions expressed by the 1 interviewed are by the 1 interviewed. the coach may have completely different views dont cancel me.


aim: Hi I'm aim and I've been playing competitive invite on and off for the past 6 years

C: How are you doing today?

a: Good

C: How long you been playing TF2 for?

a: I've been playing since i was 13 in 2011 but didnt really get into competitive til around 2014

C: Ah okay. You start playing during the Uber Update?

a: When was that

C: To be honest I talk about this with a few other players but I always forget when it was lmaoo. It's the one update where TF2 went F2P.

a: i think i played before the f2p update. im not too sure

C: Ah okay. What introduced you to TF2?

a: i46. it seemed like a cool game so i wanted to try it

C: Damn so you knew about competitive TF2 right at the start. That's crazy.

a: Yea but it took someone to join a pub server to actually get me into a competitive tf2

C: u mean took someone from a public server?

a: no someone joined a pub server and asked me if i wanted to play in ugc then i said sure

C: LOL damn. They had an eye for talent that's for sure. Why'd you choose Soldier as the class to main?

a: when i first started playing i played demo then ididnt know that you were allowed to use stickies in mge cause i was respectful in ettiqutte or whatever. and since it was ass i just palyed the next fun class which was soldier

C: Damn that's crazy. On a side note I used to watch you stream alot in 2014-2015 and I remember you teaching mge ettiqutte to someone: "loser jumps first". Can't believe I remember that haha.

a: that's what seemed like it wasnt bm when i played


pictured: i can promise you this is not photoshopped.


C: What's MGE Ettiqutte to you now?

a: i dont really play mge as much anymore. now a days it seems like anything goes

C: Yeah eh. I remember the big server back in the day was like.. SYOPS? Or IM? I forgot what it's called.

a: yea something lik ethat

C: Do you like to play any other classes?

a: i suck at demo but memeing on that class is fun. scout sucks so not really. playing scout is really boring unless youre holding w for majority of it

C: Not even beam scout?

a: no

C: Damn. So what do you think are your strong points as a player?

a: im kinda like a rock in terms of a teammate, where im somewhat untiltable in game, usually keeping a cool head, and i kinda have a constant performance which kinda increases the further a season goes. at least thats how i feel when i look at my past seasons where i just feel like i get better as the season goes on

C: Yeah eh. Now what do you think are your weak points as a player?

a: prob slow playing, but ive been working on being more proactive to how people play nowadays

C: Can you elaborate on "slow playing"?

a: i just paly more reactive than proactive, which is kinda bad in this age of tf2,

C: Hmm okay. What are the differences between the current meta and the meta before? Admittedly I don't really keep up with the tf2 scene all that much.

a: before it'd just be people playing slow, not too many dry pushes in terms of high invite. but at least with the people ive played with as of late were/are willing to play more risky even during matches which pays off pretty well cause most people usually play to not lose in matches but in scrims they will play to win which yields more rounds for them. froyos been doing it for a while but no one really tries to do it against them except recently (to clarify i mean in esea season) 

C: That's interesting. Do you like this style of gameplay or do you prefer how people played before?

a: this style is definitely more fun compared to taking soldier ubers and smashing teams into each other. just walking in and trying to fight is more fun than just sitting and waiting at least when ubers are out of the question

C: That's real shit. I hate waiting around. So how do you practice? What's your routine?

a: well recently i havent been able to have a practice routine, due to irl stuff and id just hop right into pug scrims with my friends. before id prob just jump around or play some other game to loosen up my wrist

C: Okay okay. So what annoys you when you watch/play with other people? What do they do?

a: i guess what kinda annoys me nowadays is when people just dont try to push if they have some small ad even if its someone out of position or someone really hurt at least in the higher divs. in the lower divs its prob people just not trying to push with an uber ad or a player ad which is big enough to attempt a push

C: Hmm okay okay. So I've been informed you been casting this season. Tell me about that.

a: its just me, marm and phlps just watching good games that have some implication or watching mal. but rgl kinda harps on it and our community bails us out enough already so i just kinda put a nip in it to just stop any kind of animosity

C: Yeah eh. You aren't about the drama?

a: i mean its funny that they try to gate keep the stv when they just have the bigger stream, but i mean its their org and if i want to play id rather not have any of my cases having a bias against me cause i decided to cast some matches

C: Yeah that's fair. What are your thoughts on this season of Invite? And the state of Invite as a whole?

a: the regular season was pretty good. uh as far as playoffs: banny has 5 ping which is kinda monkaS but the boys on gci put up a fight so it has the potential to be a good series


pictured: b4nny's relationship with 5 ping


C: Damn that's crazy. B4nny became what he always complained so much about. Who do you think went crazy this season?

a: uhh i really didnt play attention to this season other than mal but i guess alex kinda upgraded from last season to this season. when i played with him before the season started he seemed way better than the season before from whevner i played against him in pugs

C: Okay okay. Anyone who you think is mediocre or overrated?

a: i dont think ive heard anyone say x player is really good and disagreed with them. seems that opinions that ive heard seem spot on at least in my circles

C: Okay okay. What do you still enjoy about TF2 after playing it for so long?

a: not really so much enjoying tf2 but enjoying the people i play with

C: Lool sayin if all your mans moved to Fortnite you'd be installing that shit eh?

a: yea id play fortnite with them if i had it installed. but i dont that game is like 100 gb

C: Damn that's love right there. I respect that a whole lot. What are your favourite memories from TF2?

a: playing in IM and getting into invite and just meeting so many of the people i idol'd coming up in the game. i probably have a different take on them now that ive became a veteran and have a bit more context of what invite is and a good idea of how to gauge skill levels now because before id just listen to any invite player if they ever tried to give any kind of knowledge

C: Yeah eh. The OG Luca Goers. I get what you mean with the Idol thing though, I'm not even gonna lie I actually used to watch your stream to learn how to play soldier. Despite both of us playing different gamemodes I picked on stuff mechanically just from watching you play and implementing it to own noobs

C: ...

a: ...

C: Uhhh, but anyway. You ever gonna make your return to FROYO Pocket and unite with the other Luca Goers?


pictured: aim returning to carry b4nny to another Dub.



a: those days are long gone

C: That's tough... What do you like to do outside of TF2? Any hobbies? Interests?

a: all i do now is work and i have to try and find a way to do things i like while i balance it. whenever i have any free time i kinda slip dota into it

C: Yeah eh. What do you like doing?

a: as far as hobbies i havent been to the gym since corona. but whenever i feel comfortable enough to go back to the gym id just go to lift and play basketball, play games and watch anime i guess. not really much else

C: Okay okay.. Sayin you're an anime man eh?

a: i mean i watch it yea


pictured: aim coming face to face with an anime shordy..



C: What you like to watch/read?

a: probably shounens ive kinda grown bored of them and anime in general. if somethings good or if someone wants to watch something with me ill watch it, but as far as going out of my to do something on my own nothing really.

C: Okay okay. Do you like manhwa?

a: no clue what that is

C: K i don't want to geek out that hard. Lets move on to our next segment. I got some pictures and I want to know your thoughts.


a: it was a good day of tf2 what can i say

a: i have no clue when this image was even posted but i was having fun on snapchat

C: It's an old one still. I don't know either.
















a: i follow rubi rose shes a baddy nothing else can be said

C: Same.















 a: i havent played roblox since like 2011 but id rather u keep posting instagram baddies tbh lol

C: 😳😳

C: M-moving on.. We have only 1 reader submitted question here and it's from..


pictured: the coach when he sees the newest retarded shotaway question


C: a gentleman named Shotaway.

from shotaway: Hello Monsieur Aim, I'm Shotaway and I'm a Spy Main. I've been trying to get some input on my bomb, and everyone who I ask always just fucking laughs at me and think this is a joke. I've even submitted a question before to the great SOAPYMEISTER and he even laughed at me. Wtf. Wat a bunch of eggheads! Aim can you please give me some actual valid input on my bomb here? Who do I target? What should I do? Was this execution improper?

He has a picture attached to this as well

C: Again he didn't fix his HUD or the xhair in the photo.

a: id target the heavy cuz he doesnt have a gun and use all ur ammo before u die. if ur using the dhit he should die in 3 shots maybe

C: Okay okay. Is there anything you'd like to say before we conclude this interview?

a: shouts out to malcord lol



Thank you to aim for the interview. Thank you to my interns bff-forever, odb, perenne & Rolling as always. Thank you to mustardoverlord as well & thank you to the reader for reading the 19th edition of Coach's Corner.





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